Love can dissolve loneliness (fairy tale love is not realistic)

Lillian 2022-04-21 09:03:25

Many people said that they were very moved, and their eyes were swollen from crying. Maybe I have passed that age, but I just felt that the process was a bit sad. Like so many old-fashioned plots, there's always a bad guy who stops good things from happening. We will hate this b-thing in our hearts, so it's better not to see others. It seems that if there is a good existence, there must be a bad one to oppose it. Maybe this is also to enrich the audience's heart and emotional ups and downs. Anyway, there is always a reason for his existence.

The wolf is a very wild animal since ancient times. It is not easy to be tamed, but it was domesticated by a girl, and they are also dependent on each other. Obviously, this selection is a bit risky, but compared to the type of dogs, it has a higher weight. Isn't it? It seems to be the relationship between the owner and the wolf, but it is not difficult to find that there is a human emotional "love" in it, which is the love between men and women. Of course, the relationship between men and women is ignored.

The film allows us to see some shadows such as: "Loyal Dog Hachiko", "Human Ghost Love" and so on. In fact, it emphasizes the sacred and beautiful emotion of "love". No matter how bloody the plot is, it will not be Let the subject of love become obsolete. It has endowed us human beings, even animals, with a lot of moving and beautiful imagination, and it has warmed our world.

The heroine has always been a lonely person. We can see from the content of the diary and the incompatibility with the people around us. In fact, each of us has a lonely heart. You may see that this person is very happy all day. , It seems that loneliness has nothing to do with him, but don't forget, when people always have to face one person, when everything is quiet, that loneliness will come. So there is essentially no difference between people. So what about wolves, and what about other species. They have no thoughts, how they feel this loneliness. The problem is that feelings are feelings, and the facts are still there. What is the essential difference between humans and animals? Humans are animals.

When two lonely hearts, two creatures from different worlds but with the same essence, share their joys, sorrows and sorrows with each other, and love follows. They are no longer alone, because with each other's company, this process is beautiful, although the ending is not together, but it left behind thoughts and feelings.

In the end, it seems a bit ironic. It makes people feel that this is just a fairy tale dream. Everything has to return to reality. The love is not over, we can all see the endings of the loyal dog Hachiko.

This is another way of showing praise, irony, and perhaps beauty!

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A Werewolf Boy quotes

  • Soon-Yi: Gran, wanna see this?

    Older Sun-yi: What a good-looking young man.

    Soon-Yi: He is, isn't he?

    Older Sun-yi: Does he come from money?

    Soon-Yi: I don't think so.

    Older Sun-yi: Then just have a little fun and dump him.

    Soon-Yi: But he's so good to me.

    Older Sun-yi: Be good to him. Men love getting compliments. When you grow up you see things that you didn't used to see. Knowing more might seem good, but it turns you into a coward. It only happens once in your lifetime, and it never comes back.

  • Ji-tae: Why would you need a diploma when all you gotta know is how to cook a nice dinner for me?