favorite movie

Durward 2022-04-23 07:04:11

Influenced by culture, Iranian films are extremely clean and simple, winning only by simple and natural details. This movie is a very characteristic of Iranian movies, because it has a little love, and this love is the main line of the movie. A man and a woman are actors in a film crew, and during the shooting interval, the boy pursues the girl. What he said wasn't sweet talk, it was full of rubbish truths, and was interrupted many times by the filming of the movie, which produced a very interesting comedy effect. Until the play, the girl did not agree to his pursuit, but he still chased the girl through a large forest.

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Through the Olive Trees quotes

  • Hossein: Mam, I'm really sorry. I want to do everything you ask me, but I won't do masonry. I don't work in construction anymore. I came to act in your film. I will work as an actor, but not as a mason.