Wolf Warrior 2--The Sorrow and Anxiety Behind 5.5 Billion

Emmie 2022-12-26 10:47:55

1. The box office,
like GDP, has largely failed to reflect the happiness of the people. The box office has become increasingly unconvincing in this film market, which has been coerced by capital and where marketing is paramount. Do public relations and various warm-ups in advance, and get the mainstream media to cater to, and there will naturally be a herd effect. Everyone went to see and applaud. And how well the work of "Wolf Warrior 2" is done, let's take a look at a short review on a mainstream platform (qmi119531292: good-looking, good, really good-looking; aSZ394198799: I love Wu Jing; ER612092748: very good , The action is beautiful and the scene is wonderful; aSZ394198799: I love Wu Jing so much; QfA35033664: It’s good, I’ve watched it a few times; LQg361289539: Wolf Warrior, it’s perfect.

I don't mean to say that the movie is bad and shouldn't be praised. But looking at these comments and IDs, I just want to say that the mercenary should also find some professional people, which is really too low. There are hundreds of such one-sided positive reviews, it is difficult to hear different voices, and it is extremely frightening to think about it.

Arrangement Arrangement is a kind of violence. Maybe Wolf Warrior is an excellent movie, but without the help of the film schedule, it is impossible to reach close to 6 billion votes. Throughout July and August, there were almost no other movies to watch in the theaters, because most of the platoons were given to Wolf Warriors. It is no accident that this film was released at the golden hour of the summer season, on the eve of the Army Day, at the juncture of the Sino-Indian conflict. How important are film schedules and schedules? As long as a movie can be released in the Spring Festival, the eleventh or the summer, and as long as 10% of the film is released, it should not lose money. During the Spring Festival in 2017, farces like "Havoc in Tianzhu" had a box office of nearly 800 million. But there are so many films at home and abroad every year, how many of them can be on this schedule? The stakes are self-evident.

3. Populism in the coat of patriotism
With the warming of the wolf warrior phenomenon, some different voices gradually appeared, raising some doubts about the plot and logic of the movie. What is worrying is that many very rational voices have been besieged and abused. Just saying that Wolf Warrior is not good is a traitor, cents, and unpatriotic. Such ignorant moral kidnapping is more terrible than a bad movie. To be honest, just because you don't like Wolf Warrior doesn't mean you must like American blockbusters. I myself hate certain so-called American blockbusters. What "Transformers 4, 5", "The Fast and the Furious", etc., are extremely boring, just to fight for the sake of fighting, no nutrition. If you don't like Wolf Warriors, it's not necessarily a black domestic film. There are a lot of classics in domestic films, such as "Blind Well", "Alive", "Farewell My Concubine", and "Maze of the Heart", "Border Wind and Cloud", "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart" and so on.

Those who carry the banner of patriotism and stand on the moral high ground and accuse others of being cents are the ones who are most likely to back down when they really need to sacrifice their own interests for the country. Those men who talk about their sense of responsibility all day and always emphasize that they are Man are the first ones who choose to escape at critical times. Too often, it's the women who stay to bear the burden of family changes, not the men who advertise how masculine they are. The more we boast, the more we tend to lack. The more you try to prove how powerful you are, the more you expose your inner inferiority complex.

In fact, the state is just a machine, or a tool, used by political elites to rule and manage one or more ethnic groups. It doesn't really matter what it's called. Many times we don't love the country itself, we love the state of prosperity it brings us, and we love a better future that can be expected. Once there are words or actions that break this expectation, we will feel uncomfortable and cannot tolerate it. Bosses will not love a country that is going from bad to worse, people's livelihood is dying, and corruption is rampant. They only want to overthrow such a country and build a new country. Just like we love our family because we can feel warmth, care, and help in it. If we come home every day with endless quarrels and increasingly indifferent eyes, we'll just run away. Therefore, patriotism does not need to be exaggerated deliberately, or patriotism cannot be taught at all. You love the people, and the people will love you.

4. Is the movie very hot?
Many netizens said that it was very burning and the fighting was very exciting. If a war movie will make the audience very angry after watching it, then as a war theme, it is basically a failure. To borrow a film review - "The only reason you like war is that you have never experienced war". If we need to burn a lot, we can shoot the series "Captain XX" and "Xia Xia", instead of choosing war, evacuation of overseas Chinese, including last year's Mekong massacre. War is the purgatory on earth, the despair and fear of the unknown for everyone in it. These events should be recorded in a more serious way, definitely not commercialized or themed, nor should we use such event hype to achieve personal value and interests. "Twenty-two", which was released at the same time, was much better. The whole film was very restrained, not deliberately exaggerating and sensational, and tried to record it as realistically as possible (but the layout of this film is pitiful).

I personally think that there is a formula for making war films: a real historical event + restoration of the cruelty of war + not overly whitewashing yourself and mentally retarded enemies + not deliberately flattering any political party but simply extolling the brilliance of human nature. Such war movies, as long as they are not short of money, can basically watch them with good visual effects. "Schindler's List" and "Hacksaw Ridge" basically follow this basic principle.

5. Personal heroism
It is true that there are many heroes in the world. They are brave, wise and responsible, they have changed history and represented an era. They must be more capable than most people. But we must remember that heroes are people too. If you don't eat, you will starve to death. When we were young, we all learned from Qiu Shaoyun's deeds, in order not to reveal our target, we didn't move until he was burned to death. At the time I believed it was because I was a child. And now, by comparison, it's really hard for me to do it. I don't mean to deny Qiu Shaoyun, but if there is such a person in history, then he fought on the front line for the country and the people is enough to prove that he is a hero and deserves to be admired by everyone. There is no need to use some trumped-up things. to mythology him. A few years ago, Zhang Yimou made "Return". The male protagonist Lu Yanshi has been reading letters for his amnesiac wife for ten years. He has no negative emotions or thoughts of giving up. I'm sorry, this is not life, this is a fairy tale. Maybe Lu Yanshi can keep going, but the process can't be like this.

6. The script is not important, just play wonderfully?
This is really a fallacy. Of course, the film can be better with the help of other elements such as visuals, music, etc., but forever, its core is the story itself. No story means no soul. Just like when you go to a lecture, the background of the guest is extremely awesome, but he is showing off his skills and bragging all by himself. I think this must be on pins and needles.

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