A strong country brings peace of mind to the people

Calista 2022-11-14 21:15:49

It's been a long time since I watched "Wolf Warrior 2". I didn't read it when it was first released. Now I didn't plan to join in the fun after the fire, but when I saw the terrorist attack in Barcelona, ​​I felt emotional and decided to write something. what.

Ever since I was a child, I have called myself an "angry youth", and my favorite writing in middle school was argumentative essays, or my self-proclaimed "political essays". Corrupt officials, social injustice, and moral corruption are all objects of my criticism. I still remember my argumentative essays being read aloud to the whole class by the teacher as a model essay many times, but the essay that I felt good about myself, the teacher only had a "good" after reading it, without even a comment, and I was depressed for a while. So I discovered my strengths and worked harder to write reviews. However, when there are too many "angry youths", there are side effects, that is, arrogance and prejudice. All negative events that occur in this country and this society will be magnified. Then it entered a vicious circle, becoming more and more harsh on the country, or even a bit "the moon outside is relatively round".

After working, I have some financial ability, and I love to travel. I have also visited many places in the past few years. The Europe and the United States that I have always longed for have left my footprints. You remember that before going to France, I was excited to check the strategy and make plans, but all the strategies mentioned the poor law and order in Paris, and robbery incidents often happened. When the husband looked worried, I still disagreed, the city of romance How could Paris be like this? There is also Germany. The Germans have always been known for their strictness. Such a country should be very safe. After going there, I found that there are too many security risks in European countries! The train station has no platform security check, the subway is not security check, and there are few surveillance cameras. When we walked out of the central station at night and looked at the hordes of homeless people gathered at the station, I believed what the guide said, this was Europe before the Syrian refugee crisis. The same is true in the United States. They don’t dare to hang out at night at all, because robbers may come out with a gun at any time, and there are frequent school shootings. The disappearance of Chinese visiting scholars in the United States has made the public know the “dark web” for the first time. Today, with frequent terrorist attacks in European countries, the refugee crisis is mired in the quagmire, and the United States has experienced the biggest racial divide since the civil war. The entire Western world seems to be gradually tearing apart, and it is no longer the peaceful and peaceful appearance it once seemed. .

Thinking about the past, I always criticized the domestic political ecology and government power, and exercised all-round control over the citizens. I felt that freedom at home is not as good as abroad. With the increase of my own experience, I realize that this kind of thinking is naive when I grow up and mature. As Chinese, living in China, the first thing we do when we wake up is to work hard for a better life and live a good day. We don't have to worry about whether a rocket will fall on our head tomorrow, or whether we should bring a weapon to protect ourselves when we go out. At night, everyone can have a good night by drinking and kebabs. This is a treatment that is only available in China. What happened in Changsha in July this year made me very emotional. At the end of June, the whole territory of Hunan experienced continuous rainfall and suffered a once-in-a-century flood. The water level of the Xiangjiang River in Changsha exceeded the historical high by 0.51 meters. There is such a section opposite Changsha Wanda Plaza, relying on armed police officers and soldiers to build waterproof walls and sandbags to resist floods. If this section of the river bursts, the Xiangjiang River will flow straight to the city, and the Wanda Plaza by the river will bear the brunt. On July 2, the rain stopped for a while and the sun was shining. My husband and I went shopping at Wanda Plaza. We finished our meal at 7:00 p.m. and prepared to go home. When we walked out of the gate, we saw many aunties dancing in the square. The armed police officers and soldiers were stationed 20 meters away. The reaches of the river where the water exceeds the embankment. Seeing such a scene, I am very emotional, what kind of country is this! The fatal threat is just 20 meters away, but the people still live their lives leisurely, dancing and shopping. This is because it is our armed police officers and soldiers who stand in the way of danger! Because of these most lovely people, the public trusts them so much, so they are extremely assured of their own safety. This is the self-confidence of the nation and the strength of the country!

Speaking of "Wolf Warrior 2", in this film, whether it is the Chinese navy and the embassy who quickly evacuated overseas Chinese despite the danger, or Leng Feng alone in danger and ordered to rescue Dr. Chen and his party and the Chinese factory workers, such as the 052D guided missile destroyer The precise strike of the missile, and Leng Feng holding the national flag and leading the convoy through the war zone smoothly, are all burning points, making the audience feel the power of the country. Chinese people are reserved and Chinese people are patriotic. Such a film fully vented the patriotic feelings of the Chinese people. From the elderly with white hair to the vigorous children, they all entered the cinema. Feel a patriotic vibe.

After years of development, China has grown into a superpower, whether in economy, military, culture or sports, it is enough to make Chinese people proud. Economically, China has become one of the largest economies in the world, and has gradually shifted from "Made in China" to "Created in China". The Chinese high-tech introduced by various media amazes me. Militarily, the strength of China's military is obvious to all. The military demeanor and cutting-edge weapons displayed at the military parade are enough to make the Chinese people hold their heads high. Culturally, the Chinese people have passed the period of blindly worshipping foreigners. As the Chinese people become richer and richer, the Chinese people's horizons are also getting higher and higher. Many people will think independently, make rational judgments, be able to view China and the world more objectively, and be rational and patriotic. In sports, China has also gone through a frenzy of "gold medal worship", from relying on winning gold medals in international competitions to prove its national strength and gaining international recognition, to facing the world with confidence, paying more attention to the physical fitness of ordinary people and paying attention to The health of the entire nation. This is the strength of China! There are also the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Libya and the earthquake rescue in New Zealand, all of which show that when Chinese citizens are threatened with harm abroad, there is always the solid backing of the motherland to protect them at the first time. What a proud thing!

This country is not perfect, she still has many imperfections. We are still a developing country, polarization is still serious, many people are living in poverty, many people are living in extreme hardships and hardships, and there are still many things that make people angry. . But after growing up, I am no longer an "angry youth" or a "fifty cents party". I am a Chinese, an ordinary Chinese, and I will treat this country with a tolerant heart. I still criticize those who are unfair and malicious, but I will find out more about the goodness of this country, regulate my own behavior, start from myself, live my life hard, face the world with kindness, and make this country better Okay. Only the strength of the country can make the life of the people peaceful and peaceful. China is such a country and has always been our beloved country!

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