Wolf Warrior 2 A little opinion on characters and plot

Jana 2022-04-24 07:01:24

My consistent point of view is that a core point that must exist in both film and television works and literary works is the storyline and characters. Create a distinctive character image or an engaging storyline, then this film is definitely not bad (of course, the actors' acting skills must be online, otherwise everything will be ignored). And the relationship between the two factors that make a good film is clear: the personalities of the characters drive the plot. Of course, in turn, in the development and changes of the plot, the characters have been further enriched and developed. The two are complementary. Based on this, let's talk about the characters in Wolf Warrior 2 and the dramatic conflicts generated by the characters.

1. Cold Front

Since this is the second part, in fact, Leng Feng's character has been formed in the first part. It is said to be a passionate, impulsive, affectionate and rebellious SWAT fighter. Then, in the second part, part of this character is bound to continue. Therefore, we can see his impulsiveness, and we can also see his warm-blooded side. But what about his basic qualities as a SWAT soldier? In addition to being strong, what else is there?

In my opinion, as a SWAT soldier, you can have a passionate side, but more should be calm and wise. Because wherever special police are needed, it must be a place related to fighting and bloodshed. Therefore, we should strive for the greatest success at the least cost. Since Leng Feng is an excellent SWAT soldier, he cannot but have these. Therefore, his first kick against the demolition team seems unreasonable. The normal handler is to stop the excavator instead of hitting people. The second kick was a reaction to the provocation and threats of the demolition captain. We can understand the anger and pain in his heart, because we all share the same anger and pain in this situation. But did he solve the problem by kicking someone to death? If we unfold the plot and make a reasonable guess, it should be like this: At that time, the police station had already sent people to surround the entire scene, and after learning that Leng Feng and the others were sending the ashes of the martyrs home, they still had to surround Leng Feng, because Leng Feng Injured and armed with guns. It is a fact that people are injured. Has anyone heard of soldiers returning home with guns on them? Ordinary people don't know, but the police chief doesn't know? It can be seen that they do not take these soldiers who sacrificed for the country in their eyes. Since Leng Feng killed someone and went to jail himself, if he didn't take it seriously, would there still be a way for the survivors of his comrades-in-arms to survive? The situation they face will only get more difficult. In addition, Leng Feng killed someone and only served three years in prison is unscientific.

Second, Leng Feng took off his military uniform and went to Africa to look for Long Xiaoyun's whereabouts. This scene is not short, probably to show his son-in-law and tenderness. This is certainly possible. On the other hand, it is also to show another theme "Take off the military uniform, the duty is still there". So later, he will go to the war zone alone to save people when the motherland's army is inconvenient to take action. When I rescued Dr. Chen, I didn't know the enemy's situation. When I rescued the workers, I drove a car and rushed in. There was no plan or deployment. With only one cavity of blood, in such a situation, where will other people's lives and deaths be? He had seen the cruelty of the mercenaries and the Red Turbans.

At the beginning of the film, there is a six-minute (supposedly) underwater battle, which is especially beautiful. When the war was on the rise, when he protected the people in the convenience store and fought with the Red Turbans, his movements were also good-looking. In the end, when he fought alone with the leader of the mercenary army, he was even more hearty, which made people's blood boil. The conclusion is that Leng Feng's combat effectiveness is beyond doubt, but he has no brains.

2. Mercenary leader: Dad

As Leng Feng's number one enemy and main combat target, according to the rules of general martial arts films, this old man must be a ferocious and powerful character. He did this very well. Absolute killing without blinking an eye, absolute fighting power is powerful. But what is his position? It's a mercenary who came to help the Red Turbans fight! A mercenary who takes people's money and works for others! However, the Red Turban Army said that they could not hit the Chinese, but they did! Dr. Chen, who the Red Turban Army said he wanted to live, gave him a dead man! The Red Turbans wanted Pasha, but he killed them regardless. In the end, he simply killed the leader of the Red Turban Army and supported another. Hello, what about the mercenary? How about taking money to do things? Although it's murder, there are rules for doing things, so you still have to look like a mercenary! As a result, Shengsheng turned himself into a terrorist! The character has changed, right?

In addition, the father is the leader. As usual, we all know that he must be a master. But director, you should show it! When the audience sees Daddy's high-strength kung fu, they will worry about the protagonist! Otherwise, just like in the current movie, we are not worried that Leng Feng will hang up. We all know that he and Dad must have a battle. The audience has no expectations, and the film has no surprises.

In the end, since Dad's personality has collapsed, there is no way to speculate on his heart. For example, why did he kill Dr. Chen? Why didn't they listen to the orders of the leader of the Red Turbans and shoot the Chinese and even shoot the leader in the end? What is the motivation? Is it just to show the cruelty of the characters? Or, just to be able to fight Leng Feng? If so, it is too unscientific! He had no reason to kill Leng Feng.

Therefore, the tone of the whole film is - routine.

3. Plot and theme

The so-called routine is that you need a villain, so set a villain. It needs a person with strong martial arts, so he is strong in martial arts. A good fight scene is needed, so schedule a fight scene. As for the logic and the internal driving force of the character's behavior, it can be ignored.

Therefore, Leng Feng resists demolition, so cold and so dark. Therefore, Leng Feng saves the overseas Chinese, so warm and clear. One used violence to defend his comrades, and the other used his mobile phone to film evidence to seek asylum. One is so distrustful of the government and the other is so obedient to the motherland. Although both are based on "the interests of the people", what is the reason for the differences between the two approaches? Since there is no reason for the change, then according to the consistent system of the character's character, he should be like the violent anti-forcible demolition, no matter whether the motherland does it or not, he will do it! When Ding Haifeng was unwilling to take action or could not take action, he should at least show anger, as long as he should scold a few words. But he didn't. Of course you can also say he can't. Everyone knows the reason. But understanding is one thing. Since you have made such a head, don't be anticlimactic! Since it's anticlimactic, don't advertise it so badly!

This is from Leng Feng's personal point of view.

This film also played another banner - patriotism. Actually wrong, he just told us that no matter when and where, the motherland is your strong backing. Then, another question arises. Since Chinese people or Chinese and expatriates overseas can be protected, why are those who bleed and sacrificed for the motherland living on the land of China not protected? Still patriotic? It's good not to scold!

Therefore, the theme and concept of this film were forcibly set up.

It's a martial arts movie. By the way, I preached the prestige of the country: in Africa, the rebels know that they can't hit the Chinese!

However, if you really want to publicize national prestige, you might as well declare it with Anglo-American law!

4. Closing Statement

(1) Protagonist: Kung Fu

(2) Plot: Da Da Da

(3) Theme: I am very good at fighting, and my motherland is also very good at fighting

Last P and S: I know I didn't write clearly. After all, it was brushed in the movie theater.

Finally, I would like to add that the great cause of building an army, which is so fiercely pinched by Zhanlang, is actually similar to Zhanlang, and they are all talking about one thing: political power emerges from the barrel of a gun. With a strong military, the country is guaranteed.

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