Africa in the eyes of the wolf warrior: 7 questions and 7 answers about irresponsible

Lawrence 2022-04-22 07:01:53

Recently, many people have adopted Wolf Warrior 2, probably thinking that as a magician who has worked in black Africa for more than four years (MOFA, no explanation), my blood will burst when I see it, and I may even leave tears, but I have always been more resistant to joining in the fun. I originally planned to wait for the movie to go down and watch it online, but at the strong request of my mother, who never watched movies, I obediently contributed to the box office.

After reading it, it was quite calm down there. Of course, there were still a few times of little excitement from time to time along with the progress of the plot. Wu Jing's filming this time is indeed very smart. The story of Hollywood heroes fighting monsters and upgrading shines under the banners of patriotism and international humanitarianism. Of course, there is also the desperate professionalism and the precise timing of the release choice (chaotic times, you know ), it is difficult to give negative comments because of reason, and even my mother, who has always disliked fighting scenes, enjoyed it very much. It is indeed a good film that makes people watch refreshingly in the hot summer time, and I personally think it is worth the money to watch it.

The success of the Wolf Warrior has also made a small fire in Africa recently. Some African scholars who have always been relatively lonely (Africa is indeed an unpopular topic), soldiers who have performed peacekeeping missions, and medical aid to Africa also came out to write articles and give interviews, talking about what "real Africa" ​​is like. What's wrong with the performance of the movie... I think it's a bit redundant. If you really want to pursue reality, wouldn't it be over to make a documentary. The fact of arguing whether it is true shows that we know very little about Africa, because each of the several labels in Africa ""poor, disorder, sick, dirty"" seems so uncomfortable, and I want to hide away. is good.

Several major problems in Africa are presented in Wolf Warrior, such as civil war, plague, and poverty. The superposition of these effects is quite scary, and it is not much different from hell on earth. This fictional African country is close to the sea, the beach looks pretty good, there are savannahs, lions come out for a walk from time to time, the Prime Minister speaks French on TV, the people seem to have a good level of English, and unknown local languages ​​are also common. A vicious infectious disease broke out (the prototype was Ebola, which frightened the Chinese people back then), and there was also a highly bloodthirsty and inhumane Red Turban army, and then a large-scale evacuation of overseas Chinese was carried out, which should be Libya, Yemen, Liberia, etc. The imaginary complex of the country. For Xia Xia, of course, the first place to enter is the country that has been resident for four years - Mali. The girl named Pasha in the film is from Mali, and the one who plays the prime minister is her father. The little girl was born in Jinhua. The second filming was the first time back to Africa. In fact, there are a lot of black people in Zhejiang, and the three-nonsense problem has been around for a long time... well, it's gone too far. What I want to say is that the main creator may have the shadow of Mali in his mind when he is writing the script. Those chaotic streets and familiar African faces would bring me back to Bamako in an instant. Looking at the leopard from the inside, although the country of Mali is inconspicuous, the events that have occurred in this country in recent years are very representative. To some extent, it can be said that it is a miniature version of Africa.

Although it is said that works of art cannot be taken too seriously, they do affect our view of the unknown to a greater or lesser extent, at least by adding a layer of undertones. Different flowers have their own eyes. Some people have gone to Africa to travel to escape the summer after watching Wolf Warriors, and some people have another layer of fear about Africa. A few years ago, a Xinhua reporter wrote a book about his interview experience in Africa called "It's Africa." This continent is indeed right and wrong. Problems come one after another, and it's hard to stop. There is also a former vice minister of commerce, who has been in charge of African affairs for many years and wrote a book called "Unforgettable Africa". This continent has never lacked beautiful humanity and moving stories. With only a little experience in Africa for several years, I will try to give irresponsible answers to several questions involved in the film.

1. Is it possible to dispatch peacekeeping troops to rescue the expatriates?

The possibility is relatively small. The mission of the peacekeeping force falls on the word ""maintain"". In fact, in many war-torn areas, the role of the peacekeeping force is relatively limited, that is to say, it does not intervene in the battle. Of course, this has also brought a lot of controversy, but so far The mission of the peacekeeping force has not changed in any fundamental way. In many peacekeeping theaters, my country does not send combat troops, but engineers and medical personnel. Of course, with the change of national strength, the soldiers we send are also more diversified. Martyr Shen Liangliang who was killed in Mali was a security force, and the peacekeeping in Mali is also the first time we have sent an organized security force. So nominally, the peacekeeping force is under the leadership of the UN, and it is almost impossible to bypass the UN to rescue the diaspora. But the troops are sent by the state after all, and they have nothing to do with the UN after a year or two of tasks. There is room for manipulation when it really comes to a critical juncture.

2. Is the civil war in African countries really so cold-blooded?

In recent years, there have been civil wars in Central Africa, Mali, South Sudan, etc. It can be traced back to Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia. The intensity of the wars varies, but compared with the 1950s and 1960s, the overall situation is more stable. , that is to say, the war chaos is decreasing, and even if the war chaos occurs, the intensity is also decreasing. The causes of civil wars are very complicated. Internal power struggles, external forces intervene, national independence issues, confluence with terrorism, and even accidental army mutinies may lead to wars. For example, the military coup in Mali in 2012 and the subsequent small-scale battles were a series of chain reactions caused by accidental military mutinies. Of course, the ethnic rebellion and terrorism issues in northern Mali are even more intertwined, and it is difficult to comment on how many historical stories and religious conflicts exist. However, simple wars such as internal power seizures are rarely successful in Africa today, because regional organizations such as the Economic Community of West African States have also established effective peacekeeping mechanisms and will intervene. Some Western countries also They will choose to intervene, and will not be led by the opposition. Personally, I feel that Wolf Warrior 2 is a pity that there is almost no explanation for the cause of the civil war, and it is a bit unacceptable that a large wave of red-skinned thugs who will kill everyone suddenly descends.

3. Is it risky to do business in Africa?

The businessman played by Yu Qian in the film has been doing business in Africa for more than ten years and seems to be quite well-connected. Chinese businessmen are relatively successful in Africa as a whole. Africa is a human society (a common feature of developing countries), and the Chinese are more adaptable to this environment. When it comes to risks, it is true that going out is bigger than staying at home, but it also depends on the situation. There are some people who have worked hard for more than ten years, but they should not be over-interpreted. It is inevitable to lose some property during the war (such as extortion by soldiers). , but generally does not hurt the muscles and bones.

4. Are infectious diseases in Africa really that terrible?

Except for Ebola, which currently has no definite treatment method (but it has been successfully controlled in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, which are the most severely affected), there have also been imported cases in Mali, but the spread is very small. PS China is in the prevention and control of Ebola. Many areas in Africa do have some infectious diseases that have disappeared in other places, such as malaria and typhoid. Because the main transmission channel is mosquitoes, mosquito prevention is really a top priority. Some people who live in a relatively hygienic environment and pay more attention to themselves can effectively avoid diseases (such as below). If you are unfortunate enough to get sick, you don’t have to panic, as long as you receive treatment in time There will be problems. Where there is a medical team stationed in Africa, there should be no hesitation in choosing to go to the medical team. Some of the unfortunate deceased people that I know below did not take it seriously, and finally delayed their illness.

5. What is China's presence in Africa?

We often say that China and Africa are old and good friends. When the world forgot about Africa decades ago, we aided Africa. Decades later, when people started to focus on Africa, we are still here. The ambassador's phone call to the prime minister in the film also reflects this. It is said that companionship is the longest confession of love, and China is such a friend who has always accompanied Africa. It can be said that China's image in Africa is very good, even the best among the big countries (the reason is not explained), so at the end of the film Wu Jing walked through the positions of both sides holding the national flag. is contrived. Because many of my colleagues in war-torn areas do use the national flag as a talisman when they drive out, except for the reason that international law stipulates that wars must not harm third parties (international law is not domestic law, and its role is limited), and more importantly, it is related to the strength and strength of the country. Image is inseparable.

6. Since China is still a developing country, why should it aid Africa?

Suppose you live in a building and have the poorest neighbor, and the other residents do charity to help him. Although you are also poor, you look much better than the neighbor, and you are the second fattest person in the building in terms of weight. Would you like to say something too? And if he lives a little better, it's not bad for you at all. In the final analysis, you used to be as thin as him, you used to be a poor buddy, you have encountered similar things, and you have a lot of common topics. And this buddy has two advantages that no one can ignore. First, the family has a large population of 54 people. When voting for the neighborhood committee, one person has one vote, and the family has 54 votes, accounting for more than a quarter. It is impossible to completely decide who will be the director of the neighborhood committee, but it can be decided who will definitely not be (the director must get two-thirds of the votes to become the director). The second is that the family has a large territory and is young. When you talk about this, do you think of something? It was like this for your family 30 years ago. Will his family be as rich as your family in 30 years? I don't know, these guys are too busy now and don't focus on making money, but they are slowly maturing. Who knows what will happen in the future, it is always right to start the business first. Do you need to improve some infrastructure or invest in advance?

7. Is Africa hot?

Some places are hot, some places are not hot at all. Africans are not tanned.

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