The grand background is attributed to the individual, and the main melody is played loudly

Edythe 2022-04-22 07:01:53

From "Mekong River" to "Wolf Warrior 2", during the hot release of the two "main theme" films, there were two kinds of remarks that always fought fiercely. , the real situation is like this...". For me, I prefer to go back to the film itself. I think both films are "good-looking". Yes, the "main theme" itself is a type of film in one dimension. It is made by Chinese people, American people, and Japanese and Korean people. , but we are always bad at making movies, and Americans are so good at making movies, even if the president singles out terrorists and pilots a plane to fight aliens, it's a good-looking story. Therefore, the two consecutive blockbusters with the main theme have achieved great success, and we can see that Chinese filmmakers can make "the main theme". I would like to give a round of applause.

Compared with "Operation Mekong", "Wolf Warrior 2" is also a "foreign-related" film. From Southeast Asia to Africa, it actually follows the stage of China's development. The success of these two films also coincides with the great power psychology and expectations in the hearts of the Chinese people. Yes, you can't ignore this memory in the depths of history. A certain Pacific island country will not expect the rise of a great power, but China was once powerful. However, it once subdued the Quartet. Therefore, you can't say that the Chinese people's feelings for a great country must be "narrow" and "delusional". This historical gene of "we have done it" is exactly in line with China's current pace of going global because of its national interests. China also needs to establish and The global influence of economic, military, and cultural matching. It is against this background that more Chinese people go to the world, and there are more incidents and stories. With the spread of the media, a memory has been accumulated in the hearts of Chinese audiences. Therefore, these two films have just rightly activated the two memories and feelings of the Chinese people. More importantly, their performances are more advanced with the times, more in line with the public's taste, or more Hollywood. Since Hollywood has a set of main themes, There is no shame in learning from it.

The background of "Wolf Warrior 2" is more grand than that of "Operation Mekong". The African continent, civil war, mercenaries, drones, and the Chinese fleet are simply the number of American blockbusters. At the same time, the film is very successful, that is, the background is grand, but it belongs to the individual. Yes, one of the major problems of the main theme films in the past was that the preaching was too strong and direct. Today's filmmakers also understand why there are so many big truths. It is the Chinese who help Africa from far away, and China who goes deep behind the enemy and fearlessly kills the enemy. People, it is a Chinese warship that launched the missile. After reading this, do you need to explain the big truth? Don't you think it's a Chinese cow, do you still think it's a Korean cow? Don't think Wu Jing is the captain of China, do you still think he is the captain of the United States? Yes, we can see that Wu Jing, who has a simple and honest face, is brave, deliberate, witty, affectionate, righteous, and accompanied by beauties. This is grounded and interesting, and the national image only needs to be highlighted a little, that is. A good effect has been achieved. Although the end of the crossfire area is a bit blunt, the flaws are not concealed, and the overall handling is still appropriate. At the particularly high point, the sense of urgency and heroic atmosphere was constantly exaggerated. Finally, the sword of the ocean-going fleet, a symbol of China's national power, was drawn out of its sheath, relieved and relaxed. In "Wolf Warrior 2", you can feel a kind of "maturity", one that is very in line with China's national conditions, but also close to the balance of business and entertainment.

After the film was released, Wu Jing suddenly became the inspirational idol of the public accounts, the best material of 100,000+, as if it was a big accident. In fact, looking at the production of this film, it may be an accident that it may have made billions at the box office, but it is not surprising that it has become a successful commercial theme film. In terms of the lineup, the film is actually not weak, especially the foreign actors, not the kind of roles that used to be common in the past. Several key characters of mercenaries have given enough scenes, and the characters are also carefully portrayed, especially Frank Gerhardt The brutal, cold-blooded and professionally strong image created by Lilo reflects the charm of evil. Yes, in this work of good and evil confrontation, a powerful and attractive villain is a plus point for the film, and Frank Grillo is doing just that. More powerful, in this regard, "Wolf Warrior 2" is better than "Operation Mekong".

One of the temperaments I like very much in this film is that, damn, if you want to do it, you will get a big ticket, so I saw that this film has a kind of "arrogance" that is similar to Hollywood movies and goes to TMD logic. Of course, the mentally retarded mistake of not being able to shoot bullets can't be made, but the lone hero uses one enemy to ten, eighteen weapons at his fingertips, guns, drones, hand-to-hand racing, and chasing all envoys. In the end, there was a big battle with tanks. The climax Here, our army is also here to help. Yes, what I want is this kind of scene, integrated and enjoyable to watch. Moreover, the bloody feeling of this film is quite good. Wearing 3D glasses, the feeling of blood splashing in front of your eyes is still very immersive. Of course, parents who watch the movie with their children in the theater cannot help but think about the classification. problem. Therefore, the production of this film itself reflects sincerity, and with a professional attitude, there are basic conditions for success. In fact, the logic of this kind of film is as long as the main clues can be fulfilled. You have to think about the details. There must be a lot of loopholes, but they will not hurt the overall situation. Don't make it as stupid as Michael Bay's "Transformers". Just point out.

In terms of performance, if the above-mentioned elements are done well, basically the performance will be done in its own right. Yes, in terms of performance, there are not many highlights in this film, or such a film that keeps going from one battle to another bigger battle does not give much space to the actors, so you can't see "Operation Mekong". "In several paragraphs, there are quite a level of rivalry. Several actors are indeed very relaxed performances. For example, our brother Qian, because "In the Name of the People" is too popular, it also brought special fun to watching the movie after Secretary Dakang appeared in the film. In short, the whole The film is fast-paced and fighting fiercely, but the director still adds some humorous moments in the middle, and the whole process feels very relaxed and happy.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is undoubtedly a successful commercial film, and it has also set a new benchmark for theme-based films. However, it is just a movie itself, and the interpretation of the audience and public opinion has nothing to do with the merits of the movie itself. Yes, although the public accounts are consuming this film, hysterical exaggeration of feelings, and tit-for-tat cynicism on the other side, but we all know that this is also a "performance" in itself. We all know that in Africa, China has a lot of influence, and its evaluation is complicated in reality. Many Chinese elites are looking forward to an American passport. However, the main theme movie itself is the amplification and contrast of the mainstream values ​​in reality. The successful performance and commercial returns of "Wolf Warrior 2" also reflect the market demand for such genre films. After all, after seeing a lot of American superheroes tossing around the world, it is a different, more exciting, and more intimate experience to replace the Chinese. So, from "Operation Mekong" to "Wolf Warrior 2", I have seen great progress in this type of film. Where is the next step, my personal expectation is: it's time to fight the aliens?

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