Grateful that gun possession is illegal

Bryana 2022-04-22 07:01:53

Regarding the title, I don't know if I said that, but the illegality of guns in our country can only say that it is awesome! Looking back at most of the previous crimes, there were almost few murder cases with guns. Citizens can’t own guns and this kind of violent uprising has been greatly reduced. Otherwise, whoever thinks you are unhappy will shoot you, or hurt people indiscriminately, really. It's chilling down the spine

In fact, before watching the movie, I have seen a lot of Amway national passports and the benefits of holding Chinese passports. At least when I encounter many things, I will send you home as soon as possible. This is the most important thing when you are away from home. Isn't that right, it's too pitiful to die in a foreign country.

Regarding the plot, there are two places I am not satisfied with

1. When the war is raging, the male and female masters actually have time to kiss!

I feel that this was mutilated by the old American hero movie. The old American hero movie likes the hero and heroine to kiss each other at a time of crisis to show that we love deeply (oh, by the way, the heroine is American, maybe in her bones I think it's time for a kiss)

2. Finally they returned to the port, and as they passed the war zone, they raised the five-star red flag and threw away their guns

The movie has repeatedly laid the groundwork that the Chinese cannot be killed, because China is a permanent member and needs China's support after the establishment of the New Deal. However, it is not necessary to throw away all the guns. When you enter the front battle zone, no one knows what will happen. If someone doesn't abide by this agreement and shoots you, aren't you a big meat shield?

I agree with the practice of not raising the gun, which will reduce the irritation to both sides of the war, but there is really no need to throw it all away, put it in the car, and it will be too late to throw it after the war zone. In order to highlight the power of the five-star red flag, I feel that this portrayal is too much

Regarding the actors, Tang Zhu is really the biggest ridicule in the whole play, but it also inexplicably fits the character of the play (it can be said that this role is tailor-made for him). The son of a wealthy family in China didn't want to live in the shadow of his father and came to Africa to open a factory (big brother, the money for your factory was given by your old man, what's so amazing). I like the military, hunting, and I dream of going to the battlefield one day... As a result, when I am on the battlefield, I immediately persuade me. What the heroine said is quite right. If you were the injured person, would you still like the war filled with gunpowder smoke? Leaving a confused and embarrassed face left. The facially paralyzed pond owner is very suitable for this arrogant but not very sensible (isn't he himself?) and caring (the character itself is set, the pond lord is the last one with facial paralysis who does not behave well)... However, the pond owner is still Too embarrassing, after all, facial paralysis, hahahaha

African fat aunt, really make the best use of fat, I give full marks.

The other person, I can't remember his name, but he is the person who impressed me the most besides the protagonist, the manager of the factory. He brought this heroic film to life:

1. A Chinese plane will pick you up, but Africans cannot get on the plane. However, when I was asked that the woman married me and I am Chinese, I also agreed to let some Africans be evacuated by plane

2. The leadership will go first, and I will escort you to evacuate. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha ~ Remember the Wenchuan earthquake, let the leader go first? This is my embarrassed and embarrassed laughter, there will never be a shortage of such people in the world.

3. The woman and the child got on the plane first. He hugged his suitcase and ran up, but he couldn't come back when he shouted. I want to run, none of you stop me!

4. The plane was bombed, and everyone quickly evacuated to the old warehouse. When he fell, he had to pick up money... Mr. Zhu said that the house is a signboard, and the money saved is a life-threatening ghost.

This villain is really vividly portrayed, and it suddenly gives heroism a sense of reality.

Finally, I would like to say that parents can take their children to watch the cartoon next door, okay? Fortunately, the movie is noisy, otherwise I would really be furious. Children screaming, shouting, talking, when they go out to the toilet and come back, they are obsessed with the stage and refuse to leave... Such a patriotic film, can't you watch it at home when it comes out on the Internet? Why hurt us.

Last but not least, it's illegal to own a gun, which is nice...

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