"Wolf Warrior 2" is not just a victory for the movie

Shane 2022-04-20 09:02:31

I watched "Wolf Warrior 2" very late. Regarding the box office of this movie, I have already told my friends that only "Wolf Warrior 2" has the strength to break 1 billion in the summer. Unexpectedly, I guessed the beginning, but not the ending, because the box office is so high, this is not just caused by the energy of the movie itself. If the final box office exceeds 5 billion (which is almost no suspense), it means that there are 150 million moviegoers, and nearly one in eight Chinese people have watched the same movie. It's a miracle, which means that almost 50 million people who haven't been to the cinema for many years were bombed into the cinema. For these people, they probably watched more than just a movie. In terms of genre, this can only be said to be an action film in the context of military operations, not a war film, so it avoids the ethical dilemma of war films to stop wars. This is what "Wolf Warriors 2" does. Smart enough to adore and resort to force. Taking this as a starting point, it should be said that under the current Chinese film environment, the genre elements of "Wolf Warrior 2" are very well done. The large-scale battle scene, the action design of individual confrontation, so that the characters in a very situation The shaping and emotional arrangement are all in place, and it can be seen that the burning funds are indeed spent. It was the first step in the success of this movie, and it made the movie-goers feel like it was worth the money and even more than expected, at least more than I expected. A big controversy in this movie is whether the Leng Feng played by Wu Jing has the problem of excessive obscenity. In fact, it seems to me that it is fine, and it is not beyond the acceptable range. This ability setting is compared to "24 Hours", where two superpowers are often used. The spy agency crushes Jack, who can still show off his strength Bauer is a long way off, and I don't think it's worth arguing about. I think the significance of "Wolf Warrior 2" to the Chinese film industry is not only to revive the domestic film market that has been plagued by sorrow this year, but also to symbolically announce the end of the era of small fresh meat IP films that have ravaged the film industry in recent years. , the most intuitive event is the ruthless crushing of "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" by "Wolf Warrior 2", including the subsequent "Shark Pearl Biography". From this point of view, "Wolf Warrior 2" is a meritorious service, at least it can Let us watch a lot of shoddy and aesthetically boring fan movies in the next few years, and let the film creation return to the right path of focusing on original development and respecting the laws of genres. That's right, the audience has always been there, but their interests are shifting, and the psychology of watching movies is maturing. If the film creation can't keep up with the audience's progress, it is inevitable that they will be abandoned by the audience. I think there is another kind of fast-moving film that is going to be all kinds of anti-Japanese dramas. People will no longer need to look for a false sense of national pride in those garbage. The story mode of "Wolf Warrior 2" is based on the moment and at gunpoint. It's what the audience really needs. Leng Feng finally faced the mockery of the mercenary leader, the Chinese being an inferior nation. I even think his line "We Chinese are not the sick man of East Asia" is ready to come out. Fortunately, what he said is "The fuck is the past", let me relax. Take a breath. "Wolf Warrior 2" will lead to the success of a number of main theme military-themed movies, and the next "Sky Hunter" and "Operation Red Sea" will definitely benefit, and such movies will inevitably emerge in an endless stream in the next few years. One in eight Chinese people go to see a movie, which shows that this movie has elements of success beyond the movie itself, and it deeply fits with the current broad social psychology, that is, the Chinese people's increasingly awakened sense of great power needs a catharsis Exports - Chinese people not only have the strength to travel all over the world to buy and buy, but also have the strength to show off their force to the world. "Finish whoever refuses to accept it" is the simple dream of a big country for many ordinary Chinese people. As a result, "Wolf Warrior 2" has become a spiritual opium for these people to realize their dream of a big country in the cinema. It can make people forget the hardships of life and the stubbornness in front of them, and indulge in their own sublime sense. And this sense of sublime is addictive and escalating. I don’t think the scene of Chinese soldiers saving the world in the movie will be too far away. Why can’t you Americans do what we Chinese can do? But what exactly does a nation's fanaticism and impulse towards military mean? What's more, it is still an unsystematic modern ideological enlightenment and spiritual baptism. It has come step by step from the poverty and weakness of the past, and I feel that it is now a nation that can dominate the world. I dare not think about it. Patriotism is great, and dazed patriotism is dangerous . I am reminded of the famous documentary "The Triumph of the Will" by German female director Riefenstahl many years ago. You can check the information about the significance of that film to Nazi Germany at that time, including the social state and people's psychology in Germany at that time and the current situation. The comparison of China will not be elaborated here. I think that in "Wolf Warrior 2", Leng Feng dared to use his own strength to save his compatriots behind the enemy, which is also a victory of will, and the audience also felt the victory of this will, which is much more important than the so-called excessive obscenity. Finally, I wish "Wolf Warrior 3" to break out of the third world and enter the first world!

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