very happy

Marlee 2022-04-20 09:02:31

My friend said, go watch Wolf Warrior 2, it must be your dish! I went to see it yesterday and it was really fun. I simply feel that this film has a perfect score, and there is nothing wrong with it--maybe the rhythm of the plot and the editing rhythm are a bit out of line with the audience's psychological rhythm. This "Wrestle, Dad" is particularly good, and it is the level of Hollywood's first-class movies. However, such a professional is not something I can discuss, and it is not for the audience to care about——. The whole set of concepts promoted in the film is quite complete and smooth. I will not be captured by this set of concepts. After all, I have read several modern western theory books and have some analytical skills. I can see what this set of concepts wants everyone to believe. .

However, regardless of my judgment and approval, the film has done a really powerful, ingenious, especially beautiful, and contagious way to promote this concept, and many people will definitely be convinced.

At the same time, this kind of propaganda finally contained TG's own unique content, not a copy of American values. If a Hollywood blockbuster is compared with this film, it should be a very interesting and meaningful study to compare the concepts revealed in every place.

In addition, the fights and gun battles and tank battles are so good. The concept of gender, the performance of love, is also just right, especially comfortable, which surprised me with fat intestines, fat intestines, fat intestines.

Another surprise is the respect for women, the concept of equality between men and women, which shapes women into strong, intelligent, judgment and action, brave, and even fighting ability and courage, even the female villain is very sturdy. I give this film full marks.

But let me state again that I do not simply believe in the set of ideas promoted in the film, and of course I am not a simple and rude objection. In fact, we should make a very serious analysis of what is promoted in the film, but there is too much effort and too much to say. I'm still going to learn a foreign language.

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