No fun, no burning, only embarrassment and roughness

Jasen 2022-04-20 09:02:31

There is a saying in the antique shop: If you want to improve your eyesight, the best way is to often go to museums and big auction houses to see more real things, instead of visiting stalls every day or going to the mountains and the countryside hoping to find leaks. In short, if you read more of good things, you will naturally be able to distinguish the true from the false at a glance. Otherwise, the low imitation and old handicrafts on the booths of tourist attractions will also be bought back as treasures. The biggest impression of "Wolf Warrior 2" is not the nationalistic obscenity criticized by many movie fans (the movie itself is a dream and obscenity, so there is no need to criticize it too much), I am not a military fan, and I don't care about the weapons, props and tactics in the movie Is not so elegant. I only care if it brings me pleasure in watching movies.

From a purely commercial point of view, I think it is too rough. The plot, characters, dialogue, and actions are very rough (except for the underwater fight at the beginning, which is a bit interesting). Many people think that such a film is mainly to watch, and it is good to watch it. I totally agree with this. But the problem is that I don't feel burning, and I don't feel cool, but feel rough and embarrassed. It's like going to a restaurant that everyone says is delicious, but it turns out that the restaurant's dishes are salty and spicy, and it's full of MSG. Everyone judges whether this store is delicious or not, mainly because of its strong taste and the long queue at the entrance of the store.

I don't dislike Wu Jing, nor do I dislike this kind of commercial film from beginning to end. To be honest, if I put it aside, I can't understand why so many people like such rough movies, and even suspect that it is the navy hired by the film party. But I don't think so anymore, I believe people really like this Wolf Warrior 2. Wu Jing and the others are very smart. They know exactly what kind of audience they are facing, and they are sincere in making movies for these audiences. If you have watched this movie and become fans of Wujing passers-by, I recommend watching "Slaying the Wolf 2", it is much better than this one. My previous short comment: The web link

does not mean to show superiority, and I don’t want to be cynical about the yin and yang of this movie. I just express my true feelings. I want to say that there are really many finer things to watch. If you have a certain pursuit of improving your appreciation level, try to find as many good things as possible to watch (of course, you need a threshold to be optimistic about things, especially now that all kinds of delisting, bans, and the threshold are getting higher and higher).

If you feel that the above text has offended you. Based on how you feel. Hurry up and buy tickets with practical actions, or recommend this movie to friends and family. After all, we have a group of audiences who are easy to fool, and many of them have a sense of mission. Although the box office of the movie will not share them a penny, they are still full of tolerance and care for "the rise of China's film industry".

But I still feel that there are discerning audiences for better movies, just as there are discerning eaters for better restaurants.

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