Live "My First Half of My Life" like "Wolf Warrior 2"!

Eliezer 2022-04-20 09:02:31


We all know the famous saying:

"In your current temperament, there are the paths you've traveled, the books you've read and the people you've loved."

In fact, what I said above is not enough, it should also include "movies (or TV) you have watched."

What kind of film and television a person likes to watch, and what kind of characters they like in the film and television, is not only the formation of his temperament, but also the projection of his values, world outlook and outlook on life.

People who still like Luo Zijun after watching "My First Half of My Life" on TV, obviously, and those who like Tang Jing can only part ways, just like the fate of girlfriends in the play.

I like Tang Jing in the second half, the Tang Jing who no longer has a sense of boundaries with her girlfriends, the Tang Jing who is extremely powerful in spirit.

So, with people who like Luo Zijun, I have nothing to say.

As a woman, the first half of Luo Zijun's life, who is attached to her husband, or the second half of her life, who is attached to her best friend and boyfriend, is not the way of living that I appreciate. The drama version of Tang Jing's attitude towards love and work is not the same. I agree, how can there be so many black and white in life, and the elites in the workplace are not the same to build families, support the old and bring the young to enjoy themselves?

If there is a choice, I am willing to choose the first half of my life as happy and grieving as "Wolf Warrior 2". This is the way of living that I yearn for.


"Those who commit strong men will be punished even if they are far away!"

So far, it is still loud.

"Wolf Warrior 2" reminds me of this sentence.

Hard and flammable.

Masculinity bursts.

Even the female characters in it are not pure vases. Even a child knows how to teach Leng Feng tree poison to paint arrows. Even as a rich second-generation bear child, he has achieved the transformation from boy to man on the battlefield. transformation.

In this film, there is a rigid force, such as an iron fist, who can't help but attack, punches to the flesh and sees blood, in order to fulfill the responsibility of a soldier, in order to protect his compatriots, he will not hesitate to go all out.

We are not unfamiliar with such people and situations. After all, today is the August 1st Army Day. Historically, those martyrs and founding fathers did this.

In the seemingly peaceful era, flowers are everywhere, and there is a girly girl everywhere. That kind of tough, strong, wolf-like nature lurking in the body seems to have disappeared.


He kicked over, and the mighty village tyrant fell to the ground.

He knew the consequences, but it was imperative.

Xiaofei in the posthumous photo looked at them.

If you can't even protect the people around you, how can you protect your family and the country? !

When we are blindly emphasized kindness, do we agree that kindness is deceived by others?

Especially being bullied by girlfriends who are regarded as relatives?

In "The First Half of My Life", Tang Jing shed tears after she was behind her. She fired Ling Ling at work the next morning.

Ling Ling was surprised, and Tang Jing said, "When you sit in my current position, you will be qualified to comment on my behavior!"

In this world, we talk about kindness and strength, and the latter is more important.

Kindness without strength cannot stop bullets.

The rebellion coerced Leng Feng, who didn't care about world affairs, into it. He went alone and had no backup. It was easier said than done to get people out of the whirlpool? However, a person with a wolf-like nature in his body, regardless of life or death, regardless of whether it is possible, will only move forward without hesitation. Just like Wu Jing himself, who played Leng Feng, in order to play the special forces well, he experienced 8 months in the army, which is a good foundation of martial arts. So far, it is even more powerful. If it is not like this, then the heroic and murderous spirit in the film may be discounted.

The gratifying thing about this film is that the main melody can be shot so well! Chinese military films finally have superhero-style characters, and this time, the superheroes are not just out-of-the-box heroes who tear apart the devil, but a flesh-and-blood, convincing screen image!

A big production that can be compared to Hollywood actually started from Wu Jing, who was not a professional, is it unexpected? Surprised or not?

Perhaps, it is precisely because he is unrestricted that he can have such an achievement.

I am not moved by Wu Jing’s deeds of selling his house to raise funds, because if the works are not good enough, even if the family goes bankrupt, it is useless. Now, Wu Jing has come up with a good work, which has ignited his own artistic life and ignited his patriotic passion. August 1st Army Day, this is a solemn gift.


In addition to the protagonist's halo, "Wolf Warrior 2" does not have many flaws, and the protagonist's halo is not a bug. If we can accept Hollywood superheroes, why can't we accept the setting of Leng Feng? The significance of a good film lies in igniting the audience's deep-seated positive emotions and rational enthusiasm, and "Wolf Warrior 2" did it.

The tension of the action scenes, the seemingly non-existent emotional scenes and the appropriate rhythm formed by the action scenes are just right, the scheduling of the shots, the changing of the scenes, the sophisticated weapons, the variety of play styles, and the non-masking of the villains. It makes this film extraordinarily good-looking, and the details are also in place:

The villain went to find Dr. Chen, the blonde woman beat Dr. Chen to death, the big man was furious, and the blonde girl easily threw a wink, hinting at the relationship between the two. The blond girl died, the big man was furious, and he was mad at Zhuo Yifan. They didn't write much about their emotions, but these two points have been fully displayed, making the villain very three-dimensional.

The coolness, cruelty and neatness of the biggest villain is also impressive.

One more detail:

When the helicopter was about to arrive, and to decide who would evacuate first, the factory management asked the Chinese to stand on one side and the locals on the other. However, many Chinese have already established families locally and are embracing the other half. In one scene, I think Wu Jing is very "daring to shoot". In fact, this is a very sensitive topic. After all, many Chinese people can accept marriage with white people, but not with black people. This film shows China and Africa very well. The people's emotions are blended together, which gives me the feeling that Wu Jing already has a good international perspective, which is more than one rank higher than the treatment of the negative characters as soon as the black people appear in some films.

The casting throughout the film was excellent.

Although Secretary Dakang still has the halo of "In the Name of the People", in "Wolf Warriors 2" he will not let people play. Director Donglai has few scenes, but he is very tense. He roars with tears in his red eyes. "Fire" is heartwarming.

Zhang Han is a dark horse. If Zhang Han's performance was quite exaggerated in the past, this play has changed from exaggerated to solemn, and completed the character design very well.

The heroine is also remarkable, with heroic spirit, and there is no lack of female weakness, but this weakness is not the annoying and inexplicable weakness of Hokusai in "Embroidered Spring Knife 2", but the feminine femininity, but At the critical moment, she worked her way up and proofed, instead of pushing the plot in a way that held her back.

Yu Nan's cameo appearances are not many, but the whole story is well connected. The marriage application before leaving and the deep affection between the two people are like a hook, firmly hooking Leng Feng's belief, that unwillingness. Pursuit is also the source of his strength. The little love for Long Xiaoyun, his comrades-in-arms, and his godson, as well as his great love for the country and the nation, gave this character a strong driving force, and the whole character stood firm.

Yu Qian's acting skills are superb.

Even the group performances are very serious, and this also depends on the director's scheduling. After all, we know that some TV group performances known for their cutouts do not focus on one place.


People who can watch movies, watching a good movie, will draw nourishment from it, so that belief and strength will be transmitted from the movie to their own body and become a part of themselves.

Rather than watching short-lived dog-blood dramas from soft parents, I'd rather watch hot-blooded dramas that explode. It is true that I will not appear on the African battlefield. However, the bravery and fearlessness that I have acquired from Leng Feng will be applied to the battlefield of my life, and I will fight all the battles well in my life.

Looking forward to "Wolf Warrior 3"!

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