What do you think of the patriotism in "Wolf Warrior 2"?

Yasmin 2022-04-19 09:02:54

Rational patriotism is what I have always emphasized

Is Wolf Warrior II really really hot? Is the plot really deep? Are the special effects really great? As a post-80s generation, I can only reflect after reading it. Those propaganda and gimmicks of "patriotism must go to War Wolf 2" and "patriotic you owe Wu Jing a War Wolf ticket" are really disgusting, and the "patriotic" hat is buckled. Tall, it seems that people who don't watch Wolf Warriors are no longer patriotic? I'm not talking about the nature of the movie, but that the propaganda surrounding the movie is too tied to the audience and consumes the audience's patriotic feelings. If you use movies to measure reality, you will lose. After all, there are no lines on the back of the visa. After all, it is illegal for special forces to seriously injure bullies in front of the police. The law is not something that your individualistic heroic values ​​can surpass. The police didn't say they wanted to indulge the bully, so you went up and beat him seriously. It seemed that the criminal police were so incompetent, so corrupt, and so irresponsible for the people? Need you to be a special force? Have you considered the feelings of the police? Your image is ruined.

Not to mention that the spring bed can block shells, fight side by side in a hail of bullets, and so on. These are all exaggerated, yes, this is a movie, so he can shoot like this, but the audience's IQ is not low, so let's watch it like this, but I don't think I can feel how patriotic this movie is after watching it?

No, there is no content in the whole film, except for explosions or explosions, the heroine is dispensable to the plot, and the male protagonist undertakes almost all the main lines. It can be said that he is the Chinese version of Rambo. Well, we all understand that it is a pity that the audience is no longer living in the era when they watched Rambo, and used this kind of low-IQ plot to tie up patriotic plots? Come on, the audience also has IQ, tens of thousands of bullets can't beat the wall? I feel worthless for the audience. It's a pity that the word patriotism is really not something that a movie ticket of dozens of dollars can appreciate.

We are more patriotic after watching Wolf Warriors? Let's not say whether this film has such a great energy, it is wrong to say that this theory is wrong, what the hell? According to this theory, after watching Fast and Furious, I can drive the car to 200 degrees after I leave the theater? Do I have the equipment to wear after watching Iron Man? After watching Transformers, my car can also become a robot? This theory is simply bullshit. Stop tying up the patriotic plot of consuming audiences. Such a film with no depth and IQ is really unworthy of being linked with the word patriotism.

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