I ran out with the doctor's daughter and the most beautiful girl within a radius of 500 kilometers!

Rey 2022-04-19 09:02:54

As a well-known local armed force, the Chinese demolition team has always been soft-hearted and not hard-hearted. They even beat the soldiers directly when they came up here... It's too sci-fi....
Then the buddies responded to the call of the Belt and Road and went to Africa.. ..
Mainly to find an ex and do a little business by the way.
Encountered Yu Qian who loves smoking and drinking and burning his head... The drunkard sells Maotai... That's basically a death penalty!
There is a plot of tearing rockets by hand... The style of painting began to turn to the anti-Japanese drama
and the plot in the supermarket... When Wu Jing had a gun, the bandits who came in took the gun, and when Wu Jing didn't grab it, they came in very Cooperate with the machete!
Bandit: If you want to ask us if we are suffering, think of the Red Army's 25,000!
Then he sneaked into the rescue boat with his godson, and the soldier registered at the door said: This can only be on the Chinese!
Wu Jing pointed at the little black boy and said, "He is my son,
Da Bingxin," and said, "Have you been kicked by a rhinoceros in the head?" No matter how much my son basks in, he can't be like this!
Then Wu Jing went to the doctor.... The
doctor died...
Actually, this is not important, the important thing is the doctor's goddaughter...
Africa is relatively dry, and the sons and daughters here do everything!
I ran out with the doctor's daughter and the most beautiful girl within a radius of 500 kilometers!
The most beautiful girl within a radius of 500 kilometers! The strongest protagonist halo!
If you want to pay tribute to Hollywood's bad movies here, the hero and heroine will start to make trouble
and then it will be fine... Anti-Japanese drama style, don't care about those details...
When you go to the factory where you fuck your son, you meet someone who blows the sky. Rich second generation!
But the picture of the second generation of the rich factory was instantly destroyed by the African aunt!
It's a pity that this aunt was born in Chaoyang, Africa
. If she was born in Chaoyang, she has seen AK47, she has rich anti-terrorism experience, and a local aunt who can dance and PK the entire square with a brazier will definitely be a legend in the aunt world!
The most terrifying thing is that there are many such aunts in Africa!
Then the slap-sized drone can shoot the bullet of the cannon... Anyway, it is the route of the anti-Japanese drama.... In the 21st century, there is some black technology, so let's get some lasers or something?
Big brother heads up a group of bandits .... Obviously I can't make it up... It doesn't matter, the screenwriter has studied history...
Come to 12 gold medals.... The bandit has been recalled....
This bandit is really professional and has organizational discipline. Sex is so strong!
Then the big brother got terminal illness!
The most beautiful girl in 500 kilometers cured her buddy's terminal illness in the cave where Zixia and Sun Wukong slept in Dahua Westward Journey!
It turns out that the antidote is the goddaughter!
Then Wu Jing came back to rescue the god of square dance aunt!
The villain who kills without blinking began to blink frequently at this time...leaving a full set of teammates waiting to rescue Wu Jing!
On the self-cultivation of a villain!
Then nagging like a sissy when it's time to kill...
Wu Jing's arrows have basically 0 physical damage, mainly relying on poison damage and magic damage... An arrow like a bamboo stick can shoot a strong man downstairs , Newton was almost dizzy from crying....
The wild poison in Africa is so powerful that people will be finished in three seconds.... It will kill Zhou Xingchi's half-step madness with a smile!
The god of square dance aunt must have played Street Fighter in those days, and also knows Lao Su's big move---Plum Blossom Sitting!
So far, the most powerful weapon is the rocket launcher.
As a domestic mythical movie, this scene is obviously incompatible with China's GDP!
The tank is coming....
Big brother stretched out his hand and grabbed one...
It's not wrong for the national army in the battle of Songhu to die so much! Why don't you grab the tanks of the little Japan!
It's still the most powerful one to grab.... If you hit another tank with one shot, the opponent will be finished in one shot, and you can still smash the opponent's tank after betting on the hole!
In fact, this is not impossible!
In the early years, there was a tank war game in Nintendo. The treasure that was strengthened by the tank was this effect...
Then the missile directional destroys the tank... This is a tribute to Russian cruise missiles, right? do not mind the details!
Finally, continue to pay tribute to the bad Hollywood movies.... The pros and cons are torn apart!

819 Shenzhen Night Market is still basically full! Wu Jing's 5 billion box office may be the most solid in China's high box office in recent years!
The Army Founding Day was originally reserved for the great cause of the army, and by the way, I went to the Wolf Warrior with a similar theme....As a result, the box office of the Warrior Wolf suddenly rose, and the opponent was too weak... When half of the people around you Everyone has seen this movie. When there are other movies in the theater, it is a normal choice to watch it... Watching a movie is already similar to social networking, like the glory of the king!
China is amazing!

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