Those who say that "Wolf Warrior 2" is not contrived, shame on you!

Kaitlin 2022-04-19 09:02:54

watch the premiere,

When entering the venue, an uncle asked the staff what was in Hall 3. The staff seemed to know the uncle and said, "It's your favorite domestic film"

I know this movie is over.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered, I heard the cry of the child, the uncle in the back seat put his foot on my chair, 80% of the people took out their mobile phones, and 60% of the people started taking pictures and posting without turning off the flash. Circle of friends. Half an hour after the movie started, three aunties came in with flashlights to find a seat.

At the beginning of the movie, several soldiers beat the demolishers. Three dozen thirty, two seconds. The audience laughed wildly, the kind of proud laugh, the laugh from GET to the G point.

In the middle of the film, the protagonist satirizes the US Marines, saying that they did not come. The audience laughed, GET to the G point of laughter.

Dear compatriots, do you know that the number and number of evacuees of the US military far exceeds that of our country by 200 times (perhaps 2,000?)

Those who bother me China will be punished even if they are far away, and they will be punished even if they are strong. I will say this too. Did you get it? I'll make you China, I think our China is not perfect, China can't compare to the United States, and China will not be able to compare to the United States in the next 20 years.

Punish me.

Patriotism is a good thing, but only by clarifying the status quo of the country can we have the capital to talk about love.

As far as this movie is concerned, those who give objective (bad reviews) are the real patriots.

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