Art is not greater than human nature

Francisca 2022-04-21 09:03:21

At the beginning, the film settled in this country house full of artistic colors and collections, bright green leaves and sunshine, and warm family gatherings. The family sat and talked for the elegant mother's 75th birthday. Although there are differences in discourse and understanding from time to time due to their different lives and ages, few people will not be moved by this warm card from the director here. If you continue to pursue this sunny affection like this, it is obvious that you have fallen into this beautiful side of life that the director uses to confuse you and your wishful thinking. Then look down and you will know. It's all the fault of art.
The old man will leave one day, and the family will eventually be scattered, and the elegant house that the old man will not take away, and the dazzling treasures in it, become the stone that breaks the beautiful glass. The ending is inevitable, and we can all expect it: the money will be gone, and everyone will go back to his own home. But the director is Gao Ming, who can first make us believe that this beautiful family will not be scattered.
Every son and daughter looks so successful, and the parents are artists, and we can feel the artistic flair they give everyone in the family. They seem to understand life calmly and cherish the good memories and future. Earlier, the mother proposed to share the inheritance, but the eldest son firmly opposed it, repeatedly emphasizing how important these paintings and handicrafts are. As an economic book author, he deeply said that the achievements of his career are precious to people. The daughter also engages in some art, and also expresses her love for art. At the same time, she also speaks emotionally about the preciousness of these things to her mother. But in the gathering of the three brothers and sisters after the death of their mother, when everyone said that they would not live together. The younger daughter's words changed, let's buy the house. It was unclear what was most important to her. The second son is a businessman. He once told about the difficulties of his career, but the tone is that he can handle it himself, and it is inevitable to be good at calculations. As soon as the sister said this, the eldest son seemed to be surprised and strongly opposed. For the repeated insistence of the younger brother and sister, the eldest brother burst into tears. But after a decision, the three are equally positive. Get a lawyer, find a buyer, and maximize your profits. Afterwards, after some collectibles who were rummaging around entered the room that had always been calm, the role of money was so obvious that everyone came for it. The mother once mentioned that her daughter did not like silverware, but now she has a few pieces in her hands and said she will keep them in mind. The nanny came to offer flowers for the hostess, and left something that she said was worthless, but in the end it still appeared in the museum. This is when art and money are most closely linked.
The lens appears in the museum, and the composition is subtly so that the artwork is to the museum as the product is to the factory. Sightseeing tourists are to collections, just as pedestrians are to shop windows.
The film also brings out the children of the children at the end. The chaotic youth party in the old house represents the attitude of the younger generation towards life. And the scene where the granddaughter who has smoked marijuana and another male classmate play the innocent old movie scene in the woods is the value of art to us modern people.

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Summer Hours quotes

  • Éloïse: He said to choose anything. l couldn't take advantage. l took something ordinary. What would l do with something valuable?