Say goodbye to France

Philip 2022-04-21 09:03:21

In summer, plants are growing vigorously, and time is like a river flowing through the manor, rushing forward day and night. Then on an unexpected day, the mother who was full of love for life and experienced the great news of life passed away.
This summer is no longer a family gathering, even if there is always an undercurrent of dissent;
this summer there are no flowers, no children's running noises, no adventures, no treasure hunts, no lazy children and grandchildren basking in the sun, no surrounding Mom and Dad sitting around elegant silverware savoring life, grandfather painting canvas without dipping memories...
This summer there are lawyers, real estate agents, appraisers in museums, art auctions... Between brothers and sisters Talking helplessly, saying goodbye to our past and the old France together, some are unbearable, some are resolute, more are forced by life, or coerced by the desire for life, willing and concerned.
This summer has been a little bitter for both generations.

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