This summer "time" can't keep the process of rotation

Marianna 2022-04-19 09:02:48

It was a very beautiful old house with long, long, high and wide stone steps. It was very lively at the beginning. There were two sons and one daughter, two of whom moved outside of France. The rhythm of the world is getting faster and faster, and it has nothing to do with the house here. I watched "Summer Time" in the afternoon. Very close to now. A friend asked me on msn if I had decided, and I typed two words, no. I dreamed of changing boats in the middle of a dream, but when the boat came, I went into the house to get something, the boat turned around and drove away, and I couldn’t come back when I shouted, there was a smell of turning a blind eye. After my mother died, all the antiques in the house were packaged and put into the museum at an estimated price. My son and daughter-in-law also went to the museum to see it once. I felt that my mother's desk was very strange in the museum, and I didn't want to do it several times. . Maybe the mother had foresight, the younger brother and sister came and went in a hurry, and the mother left. The antiques went to the museum and were properly kept, the house was kept, the son and daughter used it to party on weekends, modern music, youth, tobacco and alcohol, fascination, youth or some thoughts and thoughts of the deceased. lost. But still can't stop all the steps forward or backward, whether you like it or not. Halfway through, a call came in and asked me why I hadn't made it yet. I remembered yesterday's appointment, only to find out that we missed it, or it seemed that I missed something because of a mistake in information inquiry. Juliet Binoche didn't stay for a few seconds as soon as it appeared, like a gust of wind, the elder brother said, he didn't know if he was escaping something, hope it wasn't us, and he laughed at himself in the cafe with his younger brother. Maybe this rhythm has always been so strong, no matter where it is, just this house is far away from these, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it doesn't happen. No need to envy. Birth, old age, sickness and death seem to be really birth, old age, sickness and death. The hair was newly cut, and it was short and short again. When I took a look in the mirror, it seemed that I had returned to the short hair style I had in high school. Is it back? It doesn't seem to be, but I just remembered it suddenly. At night, Yang Yang couldn't sleep, so I took him to memorize Tang poems. When he recited "I want to go to the next level," he suddenly stopped and asked me, "What if you can't see higher and farther places when you climb high?" Do, I thought about it and answered him, then change to a higher building and go to the place you want to see, there is never more than a higher building in this world, I said. Maybe, I was like this when I was a kid, and now I think more about how to walk slowly and moderately, take it easy, or sometimes forget a little about those "higher" things.

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Summer Hours quotes

  • Éloïse: He said to choose anything. l couldn't take advantage. l took something ordinary. What would l do with something valuable?