The French animated short "Suicide Shop" is adapted from Jean Trey's novel of the same name. The director tells an interesting and profound story with his unique style. Perhaps because of the economic reasons, a dark society has been constructed, and the slump in the European economy has made people lose confidence. Before the protagonist came out, the whole film was depressed and lifeless; lifeless. But after the protagonist came out, it seemed that the whole world was shining brightly. Such typical films are not uncommon. But why this film can be well-placed in the clichéd plot lies in the control of details.
First of all, the film has a lot of singing and dancing monologues. In the form of singing and dancing, the original monologue is expressed with more tension. It is more ironic to express the view of death in the form of singing. The French humor brought by singing and dancing makes the original simple plot lively and interesting. Secondly, the characters have distinct characteristics, not blindly good people are always good people. For example, Allen gathers a group of children late at night to watch her sister's "naked dance." This is better than the hero blindly spreading positive energy. At the same time, it also depicts the careful thinking of their age.
In addition, the style of this film also has a unique charm, dark Gothic style. And the gloomy atmosphere gives the film a very good start, with the flight of a pigeon to open up the whole picture of the whole city. With cheerful music, the audience saw a man who committed suicide everywhere, and the driver on the road ignored his oncoming people. Everyone is numb and uninterested in life. At the same time, a shop specializing in the sale of suicide props seems to respect suicide and death. Most people who mention death are afraid, but a lot of music in this film is in praise of death.
Alan's appearance has changed the people around him. The first is his sister, a person who has no faith in life. Second is his whole family. Such a positive energy hero uses his own strength to change the people around him. For example, in "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump uses his positive energy to change the surrounding. In the same way, Allen is just like Olive, the seven-year-old girl in "Little Miss Sunshine", who uses herself to make the whole family full of positive energy. One thing these films have in common is that everything around them is out of tune with the protagonist, but none of them go with the flow. But Aaron's approach in this film is somewhat inconsistent. It is a little violent to destroy his own store in Alan Ultrasound, which is not in harmony with a boy full of sunshine. Secondly, when his father Mishima was chasing Aaron, Aaron used suicide in the building to "heal" his father, which was somewhat uncomfortable with the way he prevented others from committing suicide but he himself committed suicide. But this may be another intention of the director.
There have been countless suicides throughout the ages. But how many people can understand suicide. The film uses a unique way to express respect for the suicides, but at the same time hope that they will love life and love life. Because the end of life is always regrettable, whether great or ordinary. Don't hold opinions on someone who is trying to commit suicide or who has committed suicide. Humans are inherently free even in life and death.
Gothic style is the biggest highlight of the film. Use Gothic to make people understand that Gothic is peaceful and non-violent. It is also used to satirize in this way. The Poe-style death of the whole film, and the unique era background undoubtedly question this era again. Use the gothic style to wake people up, and the chorus of the whole film at the end shows that positive energy overcomes negative energy, but it is still this era.
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