The pursuit of perfect machines and humanity-psychological analysis

Davonte 2022-07-27 16:34:40

"The Man in the High Castle" is a good play. It comes from a good novel of the same name. ~ (This article comes from my WeChat public account: Walk with myself)

Many people think that American TV shows are always telling stories about a person saving the world. But I think if it is a good film, this is the most negligible point. The story itself is rich and attractive because of its sufficient width and depth.

That person represents only a kind of spirit, a kind of belief. It represents people like her.

1. The forging of catastrophe. Destroy and rebirth.

The first bright spot here is that the heroine Juliana survived a car accident, but her body was severely injured and her pelvis was shattered and she was unable to give birth. She was imperfect on a physical level.

But perhaps the catastrophe itself gave her a tougher and stronger self.

An imperfect self is also good.

It might be better in a sense.

Experience may change a person, allowing a person to reach the deeper part of the soul and heart.

Frank, who was in the story behind this point, almost died after experiencing pain and became a disabled person.

He reflected deeply, his soul was sublimated, and his own real works were later on-paintings expressing his strong inner feelings, which became a symbol of the spirit of the times.

After all this, he finally embarked on the road of self-realization. His mind was nourished freely.

The "perfect requirements" of the heroine and the empire are in sharp contrast.

With her body, it is a "non-conforming product." It is to be eliminated.

Thomas, a young man with a genetic defect, began to have symptoms, which may eventually cause him to be disabled for life.

He has a "self-demanding perfection" machine inside him that was educated by a very orthodox imperial family. Let him choose to die generously-I am not good enough, so I have to die.

In addition to the school and the environment, the main thing that his father brought to him was. In other words, he has a perfect father inside him.

It was regarded as a heroic act and regarded as an example for the youth of the empire.

This is how a child "sacrificed for the country".

Although he was put on a high hat, the pain and sorrow in Thomas's mother Helen's heart became a backlog of anger and hatred into depression.

When the worst thing happens to oneself, one's own world is destroyed, important people die, and only when the pain is felt, can you really think about it-why is this all the way? is it right? Should my family and I be treated this way? Can I still live like this? What do i want? What do i need? What can I do?

2. Flink-represents all ninjas who are oppressed and submissive. Ordinary low-level people.

The heroine's boyfriend. Very artistic talent. It is a pity that what the empire needs is an obedient screw, not an artist.

Not allowed to play their strengths.

He can only extinguish the flame of feeling in his heart, hold down his head with reason and be a worker to support his family.

Basically, don't cause trouble, live and survive in peace. It is his creed. Pressing on yourself, bowing your head to be a man.

But because it is a Jew, an inferior race, life is like grass and mustard, and it is left to be slaughtered.

Facing the death of his relatives, he raised the flames of anger and revenge in his grief.

It means that you may die at any time.

But he no longer cherishes his life. The death of his family forced him to resist.

3. Two John Smith in two worlds.

The Smith family is the biggest bright spot.

The deputy commander of the Nazis, John Smith, was extremely clever and capable.

For his own sake, for his own children, he can let those who stand in his way die.

At the memorial service of the doctor who was murdered, he told the truth at the time: family is above all else.

But when he stood on the high platform of power and saluted in the face of thousands of people. He was completely lost.

No, he completely surrendered to power and became a slave to power.

Or the "collective" machine has already dominated his internal world.

The ruler creates a collective machine, which in turn pushes everyone, and everyone becomes a small part of it. Move forward involuntarily.

Perhaps for John, he knows all of this very well. He is a selfish person at heart, who can do something for himself with all his strength. But in the end, he is still an imperial machine, and of course the ruler's Stockholm syndrome patient.

Although he was a victim himself, he couldn't stop.

He was poisoned too deeply.

He has considered himself a part of this machine.

The loss of his son started the part of his conscience.

At some point, some part of his heart would tell him that his hands were stained with blood.

He and his empire are dehumanizing. He was uneasy, despite his extreme repression.

But he made a choice, and it was a way of no return.

The audience always has ideal wishes. Looking forward to such a person's awakening, but he was poisoned too deeply for too long, and he was kidnapped by power, while living in fear and absolute obedience to the above.

While controlling and crushing others. He himself is the best representative of this cruel machine.

Fear and obedience to the above, control and use of the below.

This is the fact.

He was also held in his compulsive inner power, unable to break free-although he knew that his family was the most important, he still succumbed to power and collective will.

He is incapable of protecting his family. The death of his son brought him a blow.

(After these inner words at the funeral of the doctor who was murdered by him, he gradually lost his family and his ego. He was just a puppet dominated by a machine, becoming more and more empty. More and more uneasy .)

Hiding the inferiority and weak self behind the cold mind and the pursuit of power.

The collective will is actually the thoughts of the above few people. Those in power represent correctness, and those in power represent the will of the entire country.

The beginning represented by Hitler.

If Hitler is a mental patient, then a country of mental illness destroys countless people.

A narcissistic controlling frenzy is actually a serious abuser. He has a machine for perfection within him.

When he becomes an incumbent with infinite power, he can mold himself into the god of all people.

Sitting in such a position, with such power, can build a perfect machine in the hearts of all people.

This cold passion of killing can exterminate all humanity.

Can destroy everything.

It can make relatives turn against each other and expose each other.

Especially innocent children.

In order to escape the weak and inadequate self, projecting it outside is to get rid of those who are not good enough, and to eliminate them.

Constantly cleared. This is a never-ending quest for perfection.

Internal divisions are getting worse.

The external division is even more serious.

The serious pursuit of perfection gave birth to persecution, a miserable world—the miserable inner world and the outer world. Lead to serious conflicts.

This compulsive motive force brings the power to destroy the world-both for the internal world and the external world.

(Picture: One of the ideal world plan of the Minister of the Empire, the planned dam in the Mediterranean Sea will bring about a magnificent idea of ​​energy that will change mankind. In fact, it may bring ecological catastrophe to the earth. This is the ideal world and the real world. The gap is a perfect illusion, and the price is borne by the people behind. The person involved can use power to live in the illusion that he feels very powerful.)

What I particularly appreciate the author is that he understands human nature and psychology.

John in another world chose a different path. Because of fear of being trapped by power and losing myself, I chose an ordinary path and became an ordinary person and an insurance salesman.

He said that his father was a banker, but then he suffered from depression.

He encountered some things in the war, and he was afraid of that kind of things that prompted him to make some choices.

Although it seems ordinary, he has a dull and happy family life.

And John of this world, the General Marshal of the Nazi Empire, followed his father on the road to fame and fortune. Mastering power is like walking on thin ice. When the marriage broke down, the husband and wife turned against each other.

His children, brainwashed children, will make what they think is the most correct choice-to expose their family members and their teachers. Take the initiative to die. In order to be "absolutely correct".

A perfect puppet.

The cold machine that controls the abuse represents the incomparably correct truth, giving birth to a generation of abusers, who in turn become abusers.

The author understands the suffering of human beings, and the author wrote this work as if living with us.

4. The abandoned child eventually becomes the heir of the father-a perfect tool.

Joe Black, this young man has been working under the deputy commander John. Smart and capable, flexible mind.

He grew up tragically. He had no father since he was a child. His mother said that his father abandoned them and his mother died in poverty. And he has always depended on his mother for his life, and he is self-reliant in the back.

In order to see his father, he had to spend the boss's energy. It takes a lot. Even risked his life.

It is possible that he was seeking for himself, because he was originally a worker working on the construction site.

Although a person is talented but has no platform to display his talents, it is also a particularly depressing and sad thing.

And his father is a great man—the minister of the empire. What's more, it is because he wants to change the status quo, change the world, overthrow Hitler and make the world more perfect.

He was struggling, and the part of his inner self-esteem kept him expressing that he didn't need this kind of father who abandoned him and ignored him and his mother. In fact, abandoning is a very serious form of abuse.

But his behavior is constantly approaching him, working hard to approach.

Deep down in his heart, he may also be like all children-the more hurt and abandoned, the more he desires to be recognized by that person.

After more than 20 years of indifference, the child returned to his father's side in the end.

This tendency to abuse is serious enough. Everyone has this powerful attraction, the more hurt, the more abandoned, the more eager to be loved.

In the end, after the death of his father, this child who was abandoned since childhood, this young man who was severely devastated by "re-education", finally deeply agreed with his father's ideas. Perfectly continued the father's will.

So there is a reason why our countrymen have always advocated filial sons.

If you are severely abusing and hurting a child, long-term. He has a high probability of becoming someone like Joe Black-a perfect young man with Stockholm syndrome. Absolute filial piety. Ill-treat others and be filial to parents.

Will become a soulless body, always dependent on the will of the parents. The will of authority. Become a perfect tool.

There may be more serious mental or mental illnesses.

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Extended Reading

The Man in the High Castle quotes

  • Joe Blake: [noticing ashes falling like snowflakes] What is that?

    Nazi Police Officer: Oh, that's the hospital.

    Joe Blake: The hospital?

    Nazi Police Officer: Yeah, Tuesdays, they burn cripples, the terminally ill. Drag on the state.

  • Mark Sampson: I don't plan on dying, Frank. But you can't live your life in fear. I was back east at the end of the war, in Boston.

    Frank Frink: Oh, Jesus.

    Mark Sampson: Yeah. You had to see it to believe it, Frank. Overnight, lynch mobs were murdering Jews because suddenly we were less than human.

    Frank Frink: And what did you do?

    Mark Sampson: Well, those of us who came out in one piece. We buried service weapons underground, well wrapped in oil, and we vowed revenge. I got a life to lead, got kids to raise. And Hitler and the Nazis - I mean, I don't care how it looks. They won't last. One thing I realized about my people is we got a different sense of time. These may be dark years, but we'll survive. We always do.