me and phoebe

Lurline 2022-04-21 09:03:22

Read it many times. Elle's acting skills are amazing, but it seems that she has never received such a movie that tests her acting skills since she grew up.
I was still in junior high school when I watched it for the first time. When I just entered puberty, I had similar sensitivity to Phoebe. I understood it when I watched it for the first time, but I didn't think that Phoebe was sick at all. Appreciate her innocent yearning for hope, which was very touching in the reality of her desperate situation at the time. The magical picture with stripes, swirls, spots and colors in the film has completely sucked me in, and the soundtrack of the film just sets off the emotions of the protagonist. I watched it no less than ten times, and many lines were memorized, and the gloomy and hopeless emotion of the film affected me for a long time. I felt that phoebe lived in my body, and I was already her. During that time, I happened to encounter a crisis at school (of course, a large part of it may have been "imagined" by me at that time), and I had unified training every day. Although my grades were not bad, I was also under a lot of pressure, so I was very unreasonable. , and even often (thinking about it now) contrived to think: I don't feel any hope anymore. At that time, I often wanted to cry, but my parents and teachers didn't care about me as much as in the film. But I finally got through that stage, and after a summer vacation, the movie was slowly put down. My mood gradually improved, my mind gradually matured, and I would "jump" if I didn't see any character. A few years later, I suddenly remembered this movie and wanted to watch it again, but found that it was different from watching it when I was a child. I didn’t put so much emotion into it anymore, in fact, it can be said that the sense of identity entered, so I appreciated it objectively. I found that this movie is one of the few good movies I've seen, even if it's not so emotionally invested. For a child, Elle's acting skills are really amazing. After jumping off the stage, talking to the principal and crying and crying is too good. And through the film, you can feel the intentions of the creators. They really want to express something to the audience in the film, reflect some facts, convey some emotions, and even have some sense of social responsibility in it. All in all, I personally feel that this piece deserves a higher rating.
I don't recommend it, because I'm afraid that younger people will not be able to stand the more sad and dark, especially hopeless themes.

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Extended Reading

Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.