Resonance in fantasy

Irma 2022-04-20 09:02:27

When I first saw the title of the movie, I thought it was just the second version of "Alice in Wonderland", but the movie unfolded little by little, and it suddenly reminded me of "Two Little No Guess".

Children's movies may seem simple, but they are actually more profound than adult movies. It expresses the dissatisfaction and desire for the world with a very special attitude from the child's point of view. I think there must be a lot of people who don't understand this movie, at least I saw a lot of people on the forum saying that they think this movie is very depressing. However, I don't think so.

I think I resonate with Pheobe. So I understand her. In fact, she didn't suppress it. On the contrary, it was the appearance of this illusion, and the wonderland she blended in and jumped out gave her unprecedented happiness and freedom in real life.

She hopes that she is Alice, and that she can live in such a world that constantly breaks rules. The movie says she has obsessive-compulsive disorder. She was still a child, she didn't know what was wrong with her, but she felt that her behavior was very different from the people around her. The movie doesn't have a character jumping out and saying a lot of truth as a narration. No one has come to tell us the attitude of the film directly, but no attitude is a better attitude. She is happy to live in this obsessive-compulsive disorder, although it may be a dream in the eyes of others. In the film, her parents have been interspersed in the film. I think her mother is a very important character. As a writer, her mother is imaginative and should understand her daughter very well. But she is also a very contradictory person. She is herself, she feels that the arrival of two children may forever kill her creativity and her career; but she loves her children very much, she hopes that she can give them the most love, and she hates herself living in this dilemma middle. Maybe when she was young, she was another Phoebe, but when she grew up, she wanted to keep the things that a child had, but she didn't have it. She is also struggling, so she is really in pain, she sees her child living in such a world, but there is nothing she can do. Phoebe has to keep washing her hands until she bleeds, which she says she can't control; she does a lot of punishing herself so she can stay on the set as Alice. Every time she was helpless, the one she wanted to help most was the Queen of Hearts, not who she was in reality.

Miss Dodger is, in a sense, the person who has the most in common with Phoebe, but I don't think they're quite the same type of person. Miss Dodger is a teacher who is completely addicted to drama. She is a world away from a regular teacher, but she is also an adult, someone who has real life without drama. But she speaks Pheobe's belief,''At a certain point in your life, probably when too much of it has gone will open you eyes and see yourself for who you are... especially for everything that made you so different from all the awful normals. And you will say to yourself..."But I am this person".
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a trait that normal people don't have, so normal people think it's a disease, but maybe in Phoebe's eyes, these normal people are sick, they have so many rules, they have so many principles, they are fundamentally There is no way to be yourself, there is no way to perpetuate an inner desire. She didn't understand why actors in fairy tales would take off their costumes, she said, if it were her, she would never take it off. So maybe, when she wakes up, she becomes that character.

She was courageous and unsullied. Those incredible desires and thoughts in her heart were also somehow protected by her mother. When she felt a force calling her, she could jump directly off the flyover.

I understand her well, but I don't feel sorry for her at all. She is a special child.

When I was very young, I was very introverted and also had a fantasy world. When I was in elementary school, I went to school by myself and went home by myself. But from then on, all I could do was walk with my head down, and I didn't have any friends. So, I also have my own fantasy friend, myself. At that time, I could talk to myself like this for a few hours, and I talked to myself about everything. I also felt that I was different from everyone. I hit a tree more than once, was scolded by the driver more than once, and even fell directly into a garbage house once, but I patted the dust and jumped out, and I continued to talk to myself. . Maybe, when I grow up, I can no longer fully devote myself to my world as I used to, but it was also my sustenance, a force behind my head teacher's comment that "well-behaved, just doesn't fit in with the group". I know it doesn't matter that no one understands me, I have another good friend who hides in my heart just like Pheobe.

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Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.