Phoebe in Wonderland

Gregorio 2022-04-20 09:02:27

After watching Phoebe in Wonderland, I was impressed by the little girl's acting skills... moved, really moved, a ten-year-old child performed an autistic child's loneliness, fear and her interpretation of love, what moved me the most It is the scene where he is crying in his mother's arms. He is working hard to get his mother's love and love his mother, but he can't control his longing for wonderland. She is looking for her sense of security.... Remember When I was a child, I also had some messy thoughts. I had to hold my breath and run to the second floor to pass the exam. After walking a hundred meters, I would have good luck... Sometimes the world of children is a wonderland. ...
The discussion on education in the film is also quite insightful. I study education, so I have some ideas about this aspect. It is very intuitive. When Chinese people watch this film, they can clearly see the Eastern and Western educational opinions. We should learn from Western countries, rather than blindly instilling education. Of course, China's deep-rooted education model is difficult to change overnight, but Chinese educators have at least been aware of this. The problem is, I admire the teacher Dougier in the film very much, but I am not sure that in the future, when I go to work and become a teacher, I will become a teacher like Dougier. Because China's exam-oriented education is the helplessness of students and parents, but also the helplessness of teachers... But I think I will work hard to become a teacher that students like...
This is just my personal opinion.. ..

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Extended Reading

Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.