People go through the cycle of being in a cocoon and then breaking out of the cocoon all their lives

Leo 2022-04-19 09:02:48

A good film about family and parenting. In a sense, everyone's heart is flawed, caused by various reasons, DNA, or the mother's health status at a certain stage of pregnancy, the family of origin, etc., creating the inner prototype of each person. This is not important, it just shows that perfect personality is not born, even in such a free and humanized environment as capitalism, it is just that they care more about children's education and take it seriously. Parents will feel sorry for themselves for a sentence that hurts their children, teachers will endure injustice and misunderstandings and still encourage children, and even an authoritarian principal will eventually recognize children’s spontaneous actions and respect their choices.

Everyone's life is a cycle of continuous cocooning and breaking out of the cocoon. Those who are brave and energetic can eventually become perfect. If there is a lack of loving environment, it will not only fail to stimulate the inner potential of the child, but also deepen the morbid part; the education concept they recognize is that every little heart is worth the parents' efforts, which will also be the experience of the parents' growth; not to mention the psychological Children with bigger problems, if the parents are more vulnerable, the cocoon will be more difficult to break through.

Phoebe is a vulnerable, sensitive and gifted child, and more importantly she is lucky that a little warmth and encouragement will make her stronger. Her luck comes from the encouragement of the dance teacher, the reflection and tolerance of the parents, and the help of the psychiatrist, from this environment that pays attention to children's psychology and education. Some people in the barrage said that it would be good to have a fight. That's right, this child does this, and he has to call a psychiatrist again and again?

The story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is also a metaphor. The issues discussed in this film are too profound, and it is very good to be able to express it concisely.

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Extended Reading

Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.