We always think about not becoming boring adults, but reality doesn't allow it.

Alta 2022-04-19 09:02:48

When we were young, we still wanted to become adults, but as you get closer and closer to the world of adults, you will find that adults are really boring, and it is difficult to be adults. I am already on my way to becoming an adult. At this age, I am considered an adult in the eyes of others, but I know that adults are not so easy to be. It is not that you can become an adult for granted when you are old. I myself think that I am a giant baby now. The school days are over, the good or the bad has passed, and it is time to face the society. Personally, I feel a lot.

In fact, many adults cannot understand the world of children. All adults were once children, but many people forget how they felt when they were children. For example, most of us are tired of constantly explaining one thing to our children. Impatient people are still in the majority. What children need most is a patient person who understands the child’s inner thoughts, pays attention to the child’s inner world, and listens to the child’s voice. people. I asked myself that I can't do it now, just like I was not understood by adults in the past. I see my niece doing something there and I laugh at her and laugh at her stupid ideas. I am also impatient to listen to my niece, and I often get bored and noisy, so I tell her to shut up and don't disturb me. I often feel that the child's words are boring and mindless, and they are too lazy to explain the conversation. The child has to hide, hide-and-seek has to cooperate with her and pretend that it is difficult to find, the child scares you, and pretends to be frightened. Adults are so boring. Many people become boring adults and forget the thoughts and feelings they had when they were children. I've forgotten what it's like to be a kid, but I still think of myself as a big kid. A giant baby who is dependent on adults. I can't seem to do anything without the help of adults. No longer listen carefully to the child's words, understand the child's inner world, feel that the child has many boring and strange thoughts, is it the destination of every adult? Phoebe's imagination is very rich. She lives in her own fairy tale world. Every child has his own little world when he is a child. He fantasizes about being a superhero, saving the world, and being Princess Barbie. Children are immersed in their own In the world, most adults lack enough patience to walk into the world of children and listen to their thoughts. Think of some grown-up words: What's there to cry about? Why take this and throw it away?

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Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.