open my fantasy rafting

Stephon 2022-04-19 09:02:48

Wonderland does not mean beauty, no matter fantasy or reality, evil and beauty will exist at the same time. Little Phoebe's perspective is even more unique. He is not constrained in thought, but keeps divergent, not blindly focusing on gorgeous and elegant things. This kind of bizarre dream seems to have only been done when I was a child. The older I get, the more I will follow the rules. Phoebe's courage has also led me to break my lonely second personality, and I am interested in discovering the more lovely places in ordinary things. PS. Then the English name I took for myself was Phoebe.

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Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.