love is greater than

Ibrahim 2022-04-22 07:01:49

When the dyke of love is eroded by the flood of the world, how long will it be before it bursts?

When the eyes of love meet the smoke of money, how long will it be before darkness?

When the flowers and leaves of love are hit by the wind and frost of misunderstanding, how long will it be before they wither?

The one who is immersed in love, the one who never turns back for love, never knows.

"If you can't even bring me back to life, what's the use of calling me a doctor?"

My slow heart trembled for a long time, and I understood that love is her sunshine, her rain and dew, and her oxygen.

For you, I gave up the luxurious life, because you are the biggest in the world.

For you, I betrayed my promise to you, because heaven and earth love the greatest.

For you, I played with his feelings, because the sky and the earth are big, and the love for you is infinite.

Love is greater than. Those names, those profits, and the world, and even myself, are always behind it.

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Camille quotes

  • Armand: I know I don't mean anything to you. I don't count. But someone ought to look after you. And I could if you'd let me.

    Marguerite: Too much wine has made you sentimental.

  • Marguerite: The sort of company you're in tonight doesn't suit you at all.

    Armand: Nor you.

    Marguerite: No. These are the only friends I have and I'm no better than they are.