
Adolphus 2022-04-24 07:01:23

In the early morning, the morning sun shines through the curtains, and under the action of the light, the room is a touch of red. Sleepy, another night of insomnia. Finished watching "Samsara" in a blurred state. People who suffer from self-suffering.

Sleepy, I lay down, but, in the faint red and the ethereal singing of Maniwall, the real desire and longing kept me from falling asleep...

The words in restraint calmed me down, it was the sky of the plateau in "Samsara", the sound of clouds and wind blowing flags and hunting, and the sound of chanting from the stone temple so close to the sun...

Naturally, everything in the beginning was so simple, and what people lacked was not known. In fact, at that time, I was not suffering, but it was suffering in the eyes of others...

Three years, three months, three weeks, and three days, Dashi went out. The power of nature makes everything grow, without an epiphany, I think he just completed a stage of his own cultivation under unknown circumstances. What to do?" At the time of Ta Shi, a new thought began, a new study.

In the monastery this thinking is pure, but the force of nature makes everything grow, and the groaning in the dream, Dashi fell into self-suffering for the first time. This time it's not only in the eyes of others, Elder Rapp said, "It's time to choose."

In the home of the dumb monk, Dashi saw his self-suffering, those tantric pictures, is that what he wanted? Dashi said: "Sakyamuni gave up everything at the age of 29, and I have been in the monastery since I was 5 years old. I have to experience it and give up."

Riding a horse, a monk on the plateau started a regressive practice. He arrived at a river. On the other side of the river was the world where he was going to practice his karma. The river was so fast that it washed away his Buddha-nature. He met Pama.

A primitive intercourse, only the earth and the woods, Dash entered a whole new world, where Pama became his wife, and so: birth, birth, fraud, trade, anger, betrayal... In Dash's practice Scene by scene, he was lost.

At this time, Elder Lapp sent someone to bring news, and he asked Dashi in the letter: "Which is more important, to satisfy a thousand desires in front of you, or to conquer one desire in your heart?"

Dash didn't know, but he decided to give up. He came to the river again, and the river was still rushing, but this time the other side was doomed to be waiting for him naked. Did the river wash away his worldliness?

When Dash once again stood in front of the tower stone engraved with "If a drop of water won't dry up, what should I do?", it was impossible to simply return.

Palma appeared. As a wife in front of a husband who is going to run away from home for life.

Dashi couldn't answer anything, he fell into an unprecedented self-suffering, constantly struggling, at the foot of the tower stone, he couldn't answer anything, so he forcibly read the answer:

"Put him into the sea."

Which is more important? To satisfy a thousand desires in front of you, or to conquer one desire in your heart? It's all self-inflicted, I think what's the difference?

"People always take pleasure in new suffering."

If you overcome a desire in your heart, why not encounter "new suffering" again?

put him in the sea. Maybe it's all "natural", it belongs to nature, how can we stop nature?

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Extended Reading

Samsara quotes

  • Apo: [his last letter to Tashi] I realize now that my task is not over, and so I will be returning to Samsara. I know that we shall meet again. Perhaps when we do you will be able to tell me what is more important: satisfying one thousand desires or conquering just one.

  • Written on Stone: How can one prevent a drop of water from ever drying up?

    Written on Stone: By throwing it into the sea...