Red land

Cyrus 2022-05-24 13:00:20

I watched it in the home theater. The content is that there is such a place, its name is Red Land, where the ruler has a group of supporters, and the rulers and supporters completely ignore the voices of the outside world. They and their people live within the high wall "Great Wall". With the support of the supporters, the ruler can punish the state sellers for what they think is wrong. For example, because the protagonist is gay or lewd, they can kill them at will, without going through the law. Penalties are arbitrarily imposed on them by procedures, even if there are criminal laws, these criminal laws were written by the leader alone, and he is called the will of God. When they torture them, they will block all the ways that this kind of thing can spread to minors, such as sending children back upstairs. When the people inside are ready to seek the help of the police, the police will kill everyone, because the invasion has already begun. If they want to seek the help of the police, they should get rid of these superstitions before the invasion starts. The police will help them only when they go outside the Great Wall and seek the help of the police. When the police invaded, they tried to fight back to defend their territory, the Red Continent. Those who violated the Red Continent will be punishable! The above is the whole plot of the film. One last sentence, in fact, it doesn’t matter whether you are homosexual or not. The so-called homosexuality does not interfere with heterosexual life, and does not cause any influence on heterosexuality. It is very wrong for heterosexuality to prohibit restrictions or even impose penalties on homosexuality. It is a kind of harm to use your power to impose so-called "punishment" on others because of other people's private affairs when others are not infringing upon yourself! And this movie is a bit like the "Far Cry" series of games, the last bell is a bit like "Escape". Finally, I thought about it, because of the two names of "Red Continent" and "Great Wall" I gave five stars, because it was the director's original intention!

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Extended Reading

Red State quotes

  • Joseph Keenan: [at the inquest, staring into space]

    Agent Carol: And then what happened? Special Agent Keenan? Special Agent Keenan?

    Joseph Keenan: [breaks out of it]

    Agent Carol: What happened?

    Joseph Keenan: I subdued the suspect... with a head butt.

    Agent Carol: [amused] A head butt?

    Joseph Keenan: Yes sir. The suspect was standing... unnaturally close. And then the trumpet blast sounded three more times, and a fourth and a fifth. By then it was pretty clear that the Rapture wasn't going to happen, so we rounded up the remaining Five Pointers.

    Agent Carol: Hey, what was it? The trumpet blasts?

    Joseph Keenan: Pardon?

    Agent Carol: The trumpet blast, what was it really?

    Joseph Keenan: Oh, that. Well some new neighbors, these eco kids from the university with a compost collective - they've got an acre off of the ass end of the Five Point property, other side of the hill. Abin's been giving them a bunch of guff because of the smell of the compost.

    Agent Hammond: Was it bad?

    Joseph Keenan: [laughs] Gets so you could taste it. But Abin's been harassing these kids, sending some of his bigger boys over to bitch at first, maybe break a window or two. Then I guess they went old school - lots of sugar in gas tanks, burning bags of dog shit.

    Agent Carol: The college kids?

    Joseph Keenan: No, that was Cooper and his church. The eco kids never so much as called the cops. They got creative instead. They thought it'd be funny to take a page out of Revelations and get Cooper and his family's hopes up with the trumpets. So they got this big-ass rusty old siren from a fire house that just got a new one. The fire chief said they could take the damn thing so long as they carted it off, it's as big as a Mini Cooper. So they trucked this thing down to their compost collective, they put it in a barn, they hook it up to an iPod of all things. And they played these single note trumpet blasts they pulled off the Internet.

    Agent Hammond: And they had no idea that you were even there?

    Joseph Keenan: [shrugs] Just dumb luck...

  • Joseph Keenan: You said this was going to be a simple in-and-out, sir.

    [holds phone up to sound of machine gun fire, then speaks again]

    Joseph Keenan: Simple just shit itself.

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