Quite meaningful

Precious 2022-01-03 08:01:14

Those who are high are not necessarily virtuous, and those who are low are not necessarily stupid. Don't you see corals growing deep in the bottom of the sea, and white elm has been planted in the sky. This seems to be a Tang Dynasty Yuefu poem that was recited when I was young, and the name is probably "Jiandi Song". Since a long time ago, people who are aware of class distinctions have begun to emphasize that birth and wealth have nothing to do with character or ability. However, for various reasons, there is a slight deviation in the way of emphasis. More examples given by people are that the children of the rich are often ignorant, while the children of the poor must be "earlier" and will eventually succeed. Therefore, it is no wonder that we will find that quite a few stories of gifted scholars and beauties have occurred between poor scholars and rich young ladies throughout the ages. But when there are many such stories, people will often have the illusion that "the right one is right" is a stale and powerful concept, and that great love worth praising occurs between people of different classes.

Therefore, this "Philadelphia Story" corrects this kind of deviation is very valuable. Because "it is snobbery to have a prejudice against a person at any time."

I admire Catherine Hepburn's wit and depth very much. Of course, at first, like that "fake civilian", I was deeply attracted by her self-consciousness. She considers herself quite high, so she can't tolerate the shortcomings of others. This makes her like a goddess, difficult to approach, but because of this mystery, people can't help but want to approach. However, as her ex-husband said, men are eager to conquer a particularly arrogant woman like her, and the ordinary charm in front of her is not worth mentioning. But this is definitely not love. The cute reporter played by James discovered that she was actually a warm and emotional woman, and therefore concluded that her superiority was only because of her perfection, so she was blameless in his eyes. However, he was obviously insufficiently prepared for her shortcomings. He had never seen her coldly treating her alcoholic husband, nor how she could ridicule her father. The reason she would treat him kindly is because he happened to have nothing. The reason is that she can't understand and can't stand it, and she needs to be despised and rejected by her. He hasn't had a chance to see under the tip of this iceberg beauty. Of course I am not implying that he will definitely run away after discovering Catherine's shortcomings. On the contrary, perhaps he will also accept Catherine's imperfections. But sometimes fate is so overbearing and unreasonable: there is no way, someone will arrive before you. There is only one person who has the opportunity to see the full picture of the iceberg: the calm and restrained sailing designer, her ex-husband.

They grew up together and eloped together at the wedding when they grew up. These two facts are enough to show that the emotional foundation between them is both deep and real: growing up together means that they know each other deeply. Eloping together shows that the feeling between them is love and not something else. The screenwriter wants people to realize that they are the real couple, and keep hinting at how much he knows her and how much she knows it. The word "yare" that appears repeatedly shows us how happy the two people who wrote the dictionary of life together, they don't even need to bother to explain this word to each other.

But I don’t like Jenny’s explanation. Jenny seems to think that this beautiful, rich, and intelligent woman finally became a truly perfect woman after she learned how to be humble. Modesty, of course, is what a proud person lacks. But the foundation of humility should be compassion. Without sympathy for others and understanding of the world, the so-called humility is just a pretended, suppressed arrogance. Catherine said before stepping on the red carpet with his real son, I promise I will be obedient in the future. And her clever ex-husband replied: You can do whatever you want. This is reminiscent of the scene where three men and a woman confronted each other before the wedding, when Catherine said: (hope his wife) behaved naturally, her former couple repeated it everywhere: behaved naturally. These make this film rise to new heights. It is not only not to be arrogant, but also to learn to be humble. But to understand the world, especially the weaknesses of human nature. Because only when you realize that everyone is impossible to be perfect like a god, can you admit that you are just a person, and you can step down from the arrogant altar to experience the difficulties of others, and then really love to be as imperfect as you are. The other "people". The brilliance of humanity lies not in its nobility, strength or purity, but in its "natural".

In the United States in the 1940s, this idea was obviously full of wisdom, and it made this film particularly outstanding.

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The Philadelphia Story quotes

  • George Kittredge: I'm going to build you an ivory tower with my own two hands.

    Tracy Lord: Like fun you are.

  • Uncle Willie: Must we ride in this thing? Wouldn't we be more comfortable on pogo sticks?