The fact that the fist reached the top is also not the fact

Rocio 2022-11-18 12:59:15

Suzuran Boys' High School, a place where a group of ordinary people think that the rabble gathers. Yes, the poor freshman representative at the freshman opening ceremony pretended to read the manuscript provided by the school but cringed and was kicked by a domineering thorn before he could read the third sentence. The finishing touch of the curtain came spontaneously, and at this time, I was addicted to the terrifying smile in front of the computer. The thorn-headed classmate took the microphone to publicize the fact that he was going to dominate the school within a year, and the cool Kirishima classmate roared and broke the sky of the campus graffiti, "Stop farting there! Dried squid!" (It is worth mentioning when , I personally like Hirokai Kirishima played by Shunsuke Dadong, although he doesn't have many scenes, but I like the voice he speaks). The first melee of the entire film takes place among the freshmen.
Whether it is Tamao Serizawa, the king of beasts, who has already stood at the top of Lily of the Valley, whether it is GPS leader Takiya Genji who uses his fists to reach that peak step by step, whether it is Katagiri who has the courage to face his own due to the influence of young people's vigor In my heart, what the whole film reveals is that youth should be free and flying. It's like saying to Genji with sadness and excitement in the dilapidated port: "It's still good for you, just rush forward wholeheartedly, without distractions." These so-called bad boys are just doing what they think is right. And to win the idea that you think is right, the weapon is the fist, just like the literati, the word is the battlefield to vent your inner dissatisfaction, and the pen is the weapon, so violence or not? Nothing wrong with that.
The last scene is full of drama, Serizawa and Genji, usher in the final battle for supremacy under the burning sunset after the rain. By the way, the smile on my face doubled at this time. After all, a film is a film, and in the end, the protagonist always ushered in glory. But the reason why Japanese anime or anime remakes can move people's hearts is because there is always someone to reveal the true meaning of the film when laying out the events. In fact, it is also the author's or the director's own inner world. Lin Huitian is full of indifference and ridicule. He said to Genji: "Suzuran has no first place. Just like you beat Serizawa, newcomers will appear one after another. This is Suzuran. While fighting against them, unknowingly is approaching graduation, and fighting for hegemony will always be a fool's dream. ." What a classic and sincere passage, the fact that the fist reached the top, there is no such fact at all.
We have also changed from walking on all fours to walking on two feet, watching our parents gradually turn white hair, and gradually, we have taken over the big stage of this society from our parents and become rulers, but our children, From a different perspective, the society began to covet. The future we once looked forward to has also turned into memories of the past in the frost of the years. Generation after generation. I was discussing a fact with you yesterday. According to this reasoning, even if everything we have worked hard to do, isn't it meaningless to this world? Maybe, I don't have the ability to become a great man who affects the world, and my parents didn't give me such high hopes, so what I have done with my whole life can only be precipitated and petrified in history. It would be a failure to be so good and ambitious, so I turned around and looked at myself. In my short and relatively bright life, it will be very meaningful. It cannot be said that it will be praised by children and grandchildren for thousands of generations, but at least it will be praised by children and grandchildren. Speaking of which, I am satisfied. I have no delusion to be remembered by history, but it is enough to delusion that I can be remembered by the history I have walked through.
Can't fly like a crow? Flying all the time, it's so much better than those poor birds who are locked in a cage and forget how to fly, and me? As a crow, that's enough.

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