God, sentence me to death

Kacie 2022-01-02 08:02:03

I finally watched the long-awaited "Death sentence". Although the IMDB score dropped from the initial 8 points to 7.2 points, only a 16% positive rate on Rotten Tomatoes, and the box office is not ideal, but I still have to say that it is definitely 07 One of the best movies of the year, James Wan contributed a more exciting film than "Saw", an anti-Hollywood action thriller ethics film.

Nick, a vice president of a company, has a high income, luxurious villa, beautiful wife, two lovely sons, and leads a happy life. On the way home with his son one night, a group of supermarket robbers (essentially a gang’s "mature ceremony") killed Nick’s son. The murderer was caught, but he could not be sentenced to death. He decided not to seek help from the law or rely on anyone else, and went to seek justice for his dead son alone. Although he has been pampered for many years, Nick's excellent motor nerves and strong body allowed him to successfully send the murderer released from the court to the west. And this person is the younger brother of gangster Billy Daly, so the flame of vengeance is also ignited in this side, and Billy vowed to bury Nick's family by himself. In order to protect his wife and family, Nick began his life and death contest with the underworld.

Watching the plot, old-fashioned, old-fashioned revenge, old-fashioned routines, but watching the ending of the movie, the gangster died, it’s normal, it’s normal, but there are 4 people in Nick’s family, except for the youngest son, the other 3 people. It's all dead, isn't it very cruel, is it very anti-traditional, can you accept this ending? When the audience wanted to see a Happy ending, James Wan gave you a tragic ending that even the protagonist died. When the audience wanted to see an ending where justice defeated evil and the protagonist became a hero, what we saw was Despair is helplessness and broken heart. I think this is why the film does not please the audience and critics. But this film is really fucking good-looking, fucking bull B, to fucking audiences and critics, after a few years, they will say together, this film is a fucking classic, let Hollywood Go to hell, James Wan directed a Shakespearean tragedy.

The overall feeling of the film is depressive, desperate, and suffocating sadness. From the timidity of the actor at the beginning to the unwillingness to hesitate at the end, Kevin Bacon has a good grasp of his acting skills, very contagious, and another tear is not white. Streaming actor. One of the things the film shows is the tragedy of "when is it time to repay the injustice" caused by killing and paying for life, whether killing and paying for life is correct, whether it is worth it, and whether it can be saved. The film reveals the fact that violating violence can only cause more tragedies. When a person kills for revenge, he is no longer himself, and he completely becomes a murderer, a demon, a demon of human nature, and violating violence is a cycle. , A loop that never comes out once you enter. Second, James Wan reflected the problems of the underworld and the loopholes in the law in the film, which made the film show a touch of "style" in the hysterical sorrow and depression, and made it a social film.

Since it's an action movie, let's talk about the action. Although the cost of the film is low, it is unambiguous in the action scenes, and it is by no means inferior to the hundreds of millions of large-scale productions. The scene of the car crashing down the building is really wonderful. In addition, the place where the protagonist started the "massage" alone in the end makes people see the blood swelling and thrilling. It feels like the Hot fuzz of the fire at the beginning of the year, but it is even more tragic. The three-person shootout in the church can be called another classic scene: The red light shines through the window, and the bloody red hints at the tragic fate of the characters.

Before a person takes revenge, he actually killed a person, and that is himself. When hatred takes over all of him, he becomes a shell, destroying others and destroying himself with violence and violence. God has already sentenced them to death.

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Death Sentence quotes

  • Nicholas "Nick" Hume: I'm looking for Billy Darley or any of his friends.

    [Sammy speaks in Spanish, and so Nick throws down some money]

    Sammy: [in Spanish] I said I don't speak English, you son of a bitch. Got it now, boss?

    Nicholas "Nick" Hume: [in Spanish] Maybe if I chop off that piece of shit you call a head... and sent it to your mother, she'd recognize you. But I doubt it, boss.

  • [after displaying guns for Nick]

    Bones Darly: Any one of these is bound to make you feel better about what's bothering you.