short comment

Jimmie 2022-04-19 09:02:44

When the American version of Pride and Prejudice came out in 1940, British readers must have been pissed, haha, just like the new red thunder~ Oh, of course it's not too much, but the clothes and makeup are too exaggerated, it's not a drama, and the actresses are too beautiful . The actresses are all so beautiful, and there is no connotation in a play. Everyone goes to see beautiful women.

Jane is so immodest! This version doesn't get the essence of British culture at all, no matter how you look at it, it is a group of Americans who speak British English, and it seems that arrogance and prejudice are concentrated on Elizabeth alone ╮(╯_╰)╭

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Pride and Prejudice quotes

  • Lydia Bennet: Look at Kitty! She's a drunken door!

  • Mr. Collins: I understand, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that it is the delicate and charming custom of young ladies to say no when they mean yes, even three or four refusals. I am, therefore, by no means discouraged.