Pride and Prejudice

Rachelle 2022-04-19 09:02:44

One of my favorite films, the 1940 version is not bad.
I like Mr. Bennett very much. He is very funny, humorous, and a good father. He is also very tolerant and understanding of Mrs. Bennett. It must be unbearable for many men. Mr. Bennett is a good husband and a good father. He likes him. . . .
Mrs. Bennett is a very prominent character. She portrays the vain, wealthy woman vividly and vividly. Her acting is very good, and sometimes it makes people laugh. It's great.
Mrs. Catherine really looked like a witch, stern and arrogant, but she laughed out loud when she saw it in the end.
Lissie is not pretty, and there are many misunderstandings of Darcy in the film, which means that she is a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but this woman dares to resist her arrogance and has strong self-esteem, just like what Mrs. Catherine told Darcy at the end , Lisi is a person who can control Darcy, he has found the right person.
I like watching black and white films, with the texture of history, I love them very much. . . .
Be a British lady in your next life~ It must be great to dance gracefully with a dignified and decent earl with a skirt that is swollen like a flower. . . .

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Pride and Prejudice quotes

  • Lydia Bennet: Look at Kitty! She's a drunken door!

  • Mr. Collins: I understand, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that it is the delicate and charming custom of young ladies to say no when they mean yes, even three or four refusals. I am, therefore, by no means discouraged.