Give you a Mr.Darcy, do you dare to have it?

Julius 2022-04-19 09:02:44

The Hollywood temperament of this film is too strong, the clothes and attire of men and women, although the British accent of the heroine is still obvious, but this is indeed not a British film. The British are so disciplined, strictly abide by their own rules and manners, and are much more reserved.
But there's really nothing better than this for the spirit of the original. This kind of story is easier to understand in a place like the United States that advocates an independent and free soul, and it happens more naturally.
Girls have all had Cinderella dreams about themselves. One day you meet a young man who owns half of Derbyshire and drives you to a castle like a museum in a carriage. From then on, all you have to do is pick your favorite from a pile of clothes and a pile of jewelry every day. Pick a favorite from a pile of fun things, and pick a favorite from a pile of food.
But what kind of little deer is fluttering in your heart when the third generation of red or the second generation of simple and rich standing in front of you? Is it awe? Are you nervous about whether your hair has been thinned out and your eyelashes gone? Or simply detour and not provoke it? In case this Mr. Darcy really has the intention of getting to know you better, and you think of the mumbling mothers and sisters in your family, you really feel that it has nothing to do with your personality and soul, and it doesn't have to do with it. Feeling a little bit ashamed, what to do or what to do. Just say the person form high descent because you feel that your family and family are not worthy of your own, and say a confident, hum, cut, bah: what snobbery.
Education, whether it is from parents such as Mr. Bennet, schools such as tutors or books, teaches people to be confident, equal, and to pursue beauty. Stories like Pride and Prejudice are liked by people in many places. The son's efforts and growth after the appearance of love, the girl's noble soul who has always insisted on being independent and lively, and finally a harmonious and happy ending are popular among the people. The subject matter, if it can be practiced many times and happen on the screen without being rigid, it is already a rare classic.
If you want to hope that it will really happen to you, it will only depend on God and your father.
If such a girl really appeared. The audience's preferences have changed all the wicked people or have a knife-mouthed tofu heart, a happy ending with the family, 3 weddings taking place, and the other two pairs of lovers who are in front of you. Maybe God will comply with this voice~~

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Pride and Prejudice quotes

  • Lydia Bennet: Look at Kitty! She's a drunken door!

  • Mr. Collins: I understand, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that it is the delicate and charming custom of young ladies to say no when they mean yes, even three or four refusals. I am, therefore, by no means discouraged.