90 minute trailer

Aaliyah 2022-04-24 07:01:23

Overall, I'm a little disappointed, it's obviously a movie, but the rhythm of a TV series was shot. Originally thought the movie would talk about how the life and death grass in TV series was born, but it turned out to be how anti-social personality was born, and did not expand too much on the main line of "Kingdom". After all, the most interesting zombie raising is the queen in the TV series. already played. The blackening of the protagonist Ashin is only limited to the surface. If a character arc is arranged in the process of blackening to make Ashin think about to be or not to be, the whole film will not be so flat. The only fun is a few large-scale shots and a new way of killing zombies. I guessed that Ashin would be the villain in the third season, but after reading this spin-off story, I feel that Ashin's character is more likely to form a group with the protagonist, and the boss is someone else. The deepest impression of the movie on me is that there are many small animals. I don't know if there is a Korean idiom "raising tigers for trouble".

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