Hear the real voice of the world

Evangeline 2022-09-23 12:20:34

Cargo cattle teams marching in long queues, turbulent and turbid rivers, crowds of people receiving religious baptisms up to the sky, flocks of slow-flying birds lined up in humanoid shapes, swimming in swimming rings and swimming in the crowded swimming pool. The people... Before each chapter, there is such a long shot, the environment we live in is vast and vast, but zooming in and zooming in on each person actually has its own trajectory and texture, which is probably what the director wanted to express.

How vast the world is, and what kind of life is not uncommon. For a few impressive characters, let's use ABCD to represent their names.

We are all doing one thing as adults: correcting the wrong values ​​of our youth.

A is a criminal who kills a mother and daughter.

When he was a child, he was always beaten by his stepfather, "It hurts you and my heart. I beat you because I love you."

A realized that love must be expressed with violence.

Behavioural violence, verbal violence, many Chinese parents are good at, and what is even more frightening is that, according to my observation, when children who have been educated in this way have their own children, they will also unintentionally educate the next generation in this way, which is deeply ingrained. things are hard to pull out.

To put it more broadly, one of the things we spend time doing every day is fighting against, or correcting, our previous values. Taking myself as an example, many of the past values ​​have been completely abandoned: "let go of your interests and concentrate on your studies", "keep saving money and be frugal", "you must get married and have children in your twenties", "divorce is bad" "Gay Strange"...

Died Innocent & Killing Addiction.

B is a soldier who went to war who fell in love with the feeling of ending a man's life.

"Once you have experienced it, you will have a completely different feeling than before. Unfortunately, this feeling, you actually want to experience it again."

B will even keep a loaded weapon at home, and he even hopes that someone Break into his home and give him a reason to end a person's life.

The war destroyed his soul. I remember reading a report before that during the Nazis, there was an officer who specialized in how to massacre Jews in batches. When standing in court, he had no idea what he had done wrong. In his eyes, He was just conscientiously doing the tasks Hitler had assigned him.

War is the destruction of human nature. When he said this, B had no expression, no pain or joy. I deeply felt that compared to those innocent people who were shot, people like B may be more painful, they are getting more and more Unlike an independent thinker, they are infinitely close to killing machines, no different from the weapons they use.

War does not kill some people, it kills everyone in it, and no one is spared.

Limited people, it is easy to fall into despair.

C is a farmer, there is no rain, no farming, no trees to cut, not even a branch, no prey to hunt, "Children lie at our feet and cry, no one gives us food, we can only wait silently for death , our life has actually ended."

The more limited the life, the easier it is to be helpless in life, and the easier it is to fall into despair. We continue to expand the world and try more possibilities, perhaps just to let ourselves have more control over our own lives and live more dignifiedly.

Don't lose that message of yours.

D: "Life is like when you go from a little boy with a message to the way you're going to get old, you have to make sure that this message is not lost no matter what, I often think that way because when I was young , I often imagine beautiful things, dreaming of a world where there are no beggars and everyone lives happily, simple and insignificant little things, unless you lose these things in the process of life, in order to buy daily necessities , you no longer care about beggars, you no longer have sympathy, where is the old me, maybe the meaning of life, even if you make sure this news, will never disappear."

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