great and small

Marques 2022-12-16 01:02:32

"Humans are great and small creatures"

2020 people of different religions, skin colors, and genders, alone in front of the camera, tell their stories. The pure black background is very much the color at the bottom of the soul during each monologue, the past that is unwilling to evoke. In 131 minutes, I seemed to have seen all the human beings on earth, but the tree with a long and deep end at the end seemed to laugh at my own frog at the bottom of the well: "Looking at human beings is far from qualified."

The visitor who tells the story, with a faint wound, hides it in the bottom of his heart, is it really just a wound?

When the death row prisoner was forgiven by the victim's family, he first tasted the taste of love, his eyes were very dry and the vegetation was rejuvenated by the rain. He dared to tell it because of the courage given by love.

Same-sex love that is unacceptable in Islam, the pale-haired father stands up for his son to come out of the closet and tells his son that I love you;

Just like today, in the prevention and control of the epidemic in China, thousands of medical angels are on the front line. Today, I heard a little girl's thoughts:

"I haven't seen my mother for a long time. I can't remember what my mother looks like. Can I wait for the epidemic to end and let my mother hug me?"

Mother, the image at this moment is extraordinarily tall.

Humans, this moment is especially great!

In the 2-hour movie, it shows human beings about brave love, the pain of bereavement, the grief of losing a father, the joy of contentment, the grief of abuse, etc. The simple self, trying to write a beautiful text, trying to figure out human beings, has stepped into the quagmire of the ignorant.

The majestic mountains and rivers interspersed in the film, the collapsed rivers, the ten thousand acres of fertile land, and the vast desert after the return, the human beings scattered in the picture are extraordinarily insignificant.

The film, starting from human nature, praised its nobility; compared with nature, it showed its humility.

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