I quietly spent the whole morning watching this documentary, with an illusion that I talked about some so-called "big" topics with people from all over the world. About life, about love, about work, about sex, and so on. I think it's boring enough to talk about so many people in our lives. But slowly, I think this documentary is interesting, because they are ordinary enough to talk about these things, we are not lack of preaching, but lack of empathy. I understand them enough and they are real enough, which is a very important reason why I think this documentary is excellent.
The camera focuses on the narrator's facial expressions, the black background, and the lighting of the butterfly light on the face are all preparations to make the viewer concentrate, without too much distracting the "contrived" part of the viewer's attention, which is very sincere. In addition to the narrator's shot, interspersed with human group activities, there is appropriate background music in this part. Individual narration and group activities give me a feeling of "destiny". Everyone's life is different, but everyone's destiny seems to be the same, unique and surprisingly similar. When we fall into life In this ultimate big proposition, who can get out of it?
The narrator's deliberate arrangement is too obvious. The narration in each paragraph is obviously based on the same theme. I call it "leading questioning", don't get excited, this word does not carry any derogatory connotation. It just means that what the narrator is talking about is not nonsense, but is limited by the theme, and this theme is estimated to be prepared by the director in advance. If my statistics are correct, the questions in the documentary should include the following 13:
1. What is happiness or joy?
2. What does war mean to you?
3. What is love?
4. Concerning children, families and abuse.
5. When you are the saddest.
6. What is family?
7. What is the difference between men and women?
8. Sexuality issues.
9. What does it mean to lose? Or when life is the most difficult, what do you have?
10. What is your work outlook? Or what is your attitude towards work?
11. What do you think about poverty and wealth?
12. What does death mean to you?
13. What is the meaning of life?
These 13 questions are something that each of us has to go through, which can also be called the reincarnation of everyone. I think I finally figured out, why the title of "Humans". I face them, but in the end the answer that comes out will be different for each of us. Any ordinary person sitting quietly in front of the camera and putting their life answers written in front of you, if you are not an arrogant person, you will listen carefully. I think that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, but the sufferings of life they face are the same. If you are willing to tell me, then I will definitely be willing to listen.
In today's life, we are more and more lack of quiet mood, to calm down and listen to other people's lives, to listen quietly, have you ever had this experience when you grew up? I love what one of the narrators in the documentary said to you: "That's a leaf, that's a flower, and all that makes up a happy life."
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