Some shattering thoughts...

Adelbert 2022-11-01 00:44:17

sr is a band I fell in love with a year ago. It's a feeling of love at first sight, jumping into the quagmire without explanation. Then I found out that the lead singer turned out to be the one I mistook for a girl in How to Train Your Dragon (sorry, jónsi). . . I watched this soon after I got into the pit, but I feel guilty for delaying writing until now. I'm not good at writing movie reviews, and I have too many things in my head, so I can only pick out some important bits and pieces to write.
I really like the creativity of brush writing and screen printing. The scenery is really beautiful, and the reverse shot is ingenious. But I didn't understand some places, such as those weird rough stone statues, and the big pit (crossed out)? And those old houses are abandoned? What are those inexplicable foods that look disgusting (sorry)? . . . Doubts are doubts, but the music is impeccably beautiful. Electric guitars are drawn with a bow, drums are not drumsticks but brushes, and meaningless self-made sentences, lyres made of stones and branches. . . Endless freedom and nature.
All four of sr are so funny! I like jónsi's striped coat (some people say it looks like a prison uniform) and plaid hat. His eyes are so beautiful, his voice is so beautiful, his teeth are like a vampire, he dances with all kinds of tricks, and he puts a flower on his hat and throws it when he sees the camera. After playing the piano and running away, he was like a child. (The only trouble is that he likes to play tricks during performances...) Kjarri's bearded is inexplicably happy, and he often smiles mysteriously. He is the only professional among the four! (It's so sad to leave the team now) I like him playing the piano, but I don't understand what he says at all. goggi's English is really good. He seems to be a very mature and rational person. He is also a very good bass player. Unfortunately, I don't know him well yet. Orri is really cute! so cute! so cute! The speech is also very difficult to understand, but the content of what is said is ridiculous (be silly or something). Amiina's four string sisters are also very cute. I heard that one of them is kjarri's girlfriend haha. The eight of them didn't know what to play together, so the two of them lay on the lawn and threw the club back and forth proudly. Speaking of playing von, jónsi's parents and boyfriend Alex all appeared on the scene, what a surprise!
When I was playing Untitled 1, I mentioned about the construction of a dam in an aluminum plant, and it made me sad to see their regretful expressions. Later, I found a document saying that as early as 2003, Jónsi was arrested by the police for protesting the construction of the dam to the government agency. How can people who love nature not feel heartache when they see the environment being destroyed in this way? How can you not protest? The question is why were they arrested?
I can't help but laugh at the ending narration that grandma kjarri saw the untitled 8 show on tv and thought the tv was broken. The charm of sr may not be understood by everyone, and some people who don't know why may find it noisy, strange, boring, or frightened like a grandma.
I'm not as amazing as sr and them, just an ordinary person, but I don't know why I can understand them, not only the music, but also their ideas. Maybe there really is a soul connection? Or is this just my imagination? No way to know. Would love to see them perform once in person, and if I'm lucky, talk to them and maybe find out.

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Extended Reading

Sigur Rós: Heima quotes

  • Band member: It's kind of a safe haven for us, Iceland. We are left on our own here.

  • Jon Thor Birgisson: I think Kjarri's grandmother, she went to the concert and thought it was really loud, and then heard it was on TV, too. Like, "It was on the TV! Let's go home! If it's on TV, let's go home and watch it on TV." Then it was the end of the last song and these crazy backdrops and stuff, like really intense. Then she thought something was wrong with her TV and shut it off. I think it's nice.