
Deshaun 2022-11-21 02:15:55

In the homeland, which is the best name for this documentary, because no matter how many tours they have done around the world, but when they came back to Iceland, the homeland, that's when they found that everything revolved around here, They have their largest fan base here. Because of the small population, all the residents are the closest and most familiar relatives and friends. As they said, performing for the people in their hometown is the most stressful thing, but in their hearts Extremely excited.
Their hometown is the place where they were born, and then sigur ros was born here, which is the source of inspiration for their creation. All their music is related to home. Iceland, their hometown is the closest place to nature in their eyes, I feel the infinite mysterious and fascinating power in their music. This is a better place to explain the name of this documentary. The hometown refers to the world where human beings were first born—— - Naturally, when they return to Iceland, perform their music, and touch the land of their inspiration again, when the music born here is played to the rest of the world, it is not only to feel the spaciousness of their homeland-Iceland , but to revive and trace the long river of history in people's hearts, and return to the pure and pure nature of the original human origin, which is our hometown. (Here, sigur ros expresses this feeling through the abandonment of fishing grounds, criticizing the construction of buildings, and protesting against the destruction of the dam)
When we traveled the whole world, when we came back home again, we could not help but sigh, wooh, here It's a paradise of peace, we're going to stay here forever.

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Sigur Rós: Heima quotes

  • Band member: It's kind of a safe haven for us, Iceland. We are left on our own here.

  • Jon Thor Birgisson: I think Kjarri's grandmother, she went to the concert and thought it was really loud, and then heard it was on TV, too. Like, "It was on the TV! Let's go home! If it's on TV, let's go home and watch it on TV." Then it was the end of the last song and these crazy backdrops and stuff, like really intense. Then she thought something was wrong with her TV and shut it off. I think it's nice.