Praise from the heart

Stan 2022-12-23 05:35:24

I watched the documentary a long time ago, and what I still remember is the sky at dusk, with the children playing by the sea next to Xu Xia, that scene. Incredibly pure and beautiful. I suddenly felt that SigurRos didn't seem to be singing about loneliness, at least I thought so at first, they were actually expressing and celebrating their hometown with their songs. When the first ray of sunshine in Iceland rises, Dongxi is driving. Icelanders enjoy life comfortably, that kind of satisfaction, which is probably unique to Icelanders. Their music can only be described as "beautiful" in one word. I really want to go to Iceland once in my life, to a "Utopia on Earth."

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Sigur Rós: Heima quotes

  • Band member: It's kind of a safe haven for us, Iceland. We are left on our own here.

  • Jon Thor Birgisson: I think Kjarri's grandmother, she went to the concert and thought it was really loud, and then heard it was on TV, too. Like, "It was on the TV! Let's go home! If it's on TV, let's go home and watch it on TV." Then it was the end of the last song and these crazy backdrops and stuff, like really intense. Then she thought something was wrong with her TV and shut it off. I think it's nice.