heima [How difficult is it to get a name. unfinished}

Wilfrid 2022-11-12 18:50:23

No smears or elaborate decorations, the Icelandic images in heima, as the name suggests, are as real as home and need no retouching. The glaciers that move slowly along the river, the loose and fast-flowing clouds in the sky are reflected in the light spots between the mountains, the high mountains that stretch to the horizon, the old factory buildings by the river, the red kite hopping in the hands of children, at first glance the end It seems to be the highway of the sea, the pure black sand beach with ripples, and the green tundra that spreads to the vast expanse of the sea... Iceland seems to be a virgin land that has never been touched. Humans are obviously not creatures that can be described as "majority" in Iceland. Because of this, it seems that here I can appreciate "humans" in the most primitive sense - a pure animal equal to other creatures. In Iceland, people, like everything else, seem to melt into the grey and white behind them. Perhaps it is the subconscious humility of nature, most Icelanders are unwilling and will not treat the mysterious land under their feet with the attitude of a ruler. And isn't this the attitude that people should have towards nature?
Although they have to rely on the subtitles to understand their "Icelandic" English, the simplicity of their hearts can still be displayed in their gestures. Their interviews are more of an attempt to express their views on the music they make, their sense of belonging to Iceland's "home", and their thinking about Iceland's development at the level of society as a whole.
blah blah blah...

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Extended Reading

Sigur Rós: Heima quotes

  • Band member: It's kind of a safe haven for us, Iceland. We are left on our own here.

  • Jon Thor Birgisson: I think Kjarri's grandmother, she went to the concert and thought it was really loud, and then heard it was on TV, too. Like, "It was on the TV! Let's go home! If it's on TV, let's go home and watch it on TV." Then it was the end of the last song and these crazy backdrops and stuff, like really intense. Then she thought something was wrong with her TV and shut it off. I think it's nice.