Heima--Live quietly and let music follow your heart

Bianka 2022-12-26 06:40:33

"Happiness is Free" is the name of Huang Weiwen's concert based on He Yunshi's music project. Before He Yunshi, would there be singers and record companies holding concerts for no compensation? It is very difficult to make music in the commercial society of Hong Kong. , not to mention Post-Rock, indie music and more. In recent years, talent shows organized by TV stations have been held season after season. While advertising the ideal of music, how many are commercial links. Concerts are made of money. For the sake of visual effects, how many musicians run counter to their ideals for the sake of livelihood, and how many people are willing to take a real music path when a singer becomes a judge of a talent show. When this music becomes shoddy, when the soul of music is fading, being with good music has become a magic medicine for urbanites to relax their hearts. The author recommends Sigur Ros first. In the blink of an eye, I have known Sigur Ros for five years. Except for one of the English songs, the author who does not know Icelandic has entered the hall of music nobility under their leadership. The so-called nobility is an art of living, or people who live in developing countries and those who are exhausted by overwork must learn the openness and happiness of Icelanders. People who have lived under pressure for a long time, are controlled by the media, and have lost their dreams and ideals under the control of the Internet, listening to Sigur Ros' songs is a good way to reduce stress in life. There is no need to do anything. If you catch up, you will only lose more. If you compete again, you will not see the art of slowness.

When developing and chasing, slowness is also the art of life. Heima is Sigur Ros' music ideal. Free music has a natural musk fragrance. A concert in the suburbs away from annoyance is a combination of man and nature. Although the sky is gray and blue, people are full of laughter and enjoy the music feast. No restraint, eating bread, sitting on the grass. The members of the band are also making musical instruments with the resources of nature, and everything becomes leisurely like entering a self-sufficient happy life. In modern society, the environment changes life, and "home" is obviously important. In Hong Kong, there are fewer people living in concrete forests. Every day, they have limited space. The dense environment makes people irritable and urban diseases are increasing day by day. Life in Iceland is just the opposite. There is not much pressure, and life must be done by yourself. Even if the domestic competitiveness is low and the spiritual will of the people is added, it is easier to pursue dreams. When Sigur Ros went out of the world and returned to their utopia after watching the world of feasting, it made them feel deeply. Walk around the city and the city, and return to the cold Iceland for a whole year to send free music to the local residents, and then make such a movie that integrates music and people's feelings. It was quiet, not disturbed for half a second, nor worried. It is an ideal home, everyone is equal, and it is a utopian world constructed. Take away impetuousness and peace, bring peace and hope.

Looking back at Heima, I felt the singer's voice, the penetrating shock. Even if you don't understand the lyrics, you can understand the resonance. The Icelandic music and impression are as "cold" as the local, but music is the language of the world and is warm. Especially listening to their first famous song Hoppipolla, on the other side of the search, the spirit has been running in the big world, going to the other side of infinity, just like the red kite on the screen, fluttering, sending it to the sky infinite hope. Sigur ros, translated as the rose of victory in Chinese, is the stamen of love and the seed that is born to music.

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Extended Reading

Sigur Rós: Heima quotes

  • Band member: It's kind of a safe haven for us, Iceland. We are left on our own here.

  • Jon Thor Birgisson: I think Kjarri's grandmother, she went to the concert and thought it was really loud, and then heard it was on TV, too. Like, "It was on the TV! Let's go home! If it's on TV, let's go home and watch it on TV." Then it was the end of the last song and these crazy backdrops and stuff, like really intense. Then she thought something was wrong with her TV and shut it off. I think it's nice.