We are all travelers in time.

Kallie 2022-11-16 10:04:46

Time is a magical thing. I
mentioned breaking up, shaving short hair and going to a strange city, trying to escape from reality and drive away all my worries. P did it in nine months. When I went to that familiar place, it changed. When I met
old friends , I suddenly felt that they were both familiar and unfamiliar. They had been together for a long time. Somehow I always wanted to recall the past. I
met R in the bar, looked at each other, hugged each other, and didn’t forgive each other much to discuss the current situation, although they have long been Breaking up, but there is always a little ambiguity between the shots.
Time time, I always want to move forward, but I can't forget him, who I miss in my heart. After talking with a 22-year-old young man, P can't help but think about K, that he has always forgotten K, who can't,
I want to say goodbye to the old days. P convinced myself that I met K. Before meeting, I hesitated and dressed up carefully. I walked out of the elevator entrance. It was the same person again, but this time he changed into blonde hair.
A few months ago, they quarreled and chose to escape, but now they can sit quietly in a cafe chatting time. You are amazing. During the dinner, the two of them broke out, but it
was Kissing him and stroking his earlobe is like when we first met the toilet and kissing the office passionately.
Goodbye means we will never see each other again. The pair who
seemed to be sweet to death finally became each other's passers-by and time passers-by. In the
end, P chose R, although the two Not sure about the future but willing to take risks and it's good and then R leaned on P's shoulder and chatted and laughed with those old friends in the restaurant and then.......

this is also a good ending, but I think or say I would like to believe that P still has K in his heart.
You are when I miss you the most when
you are not by my side. Do you think that the lovers from many years ago, especially the lovers who have regrets that they cannot be together, are particularly unforgettable? The love that cannot be obtained and cannot continue to love each other is like a glass of wine. The longer it takes, the more mellow it becomes, instead of becoming weaker?
As long as they meet again, can PK be able to immediately ignite the spark of that love?
Hey, no one knows what will happen, isn't it?
We are all travelers in time, we don't know what will happen in the future, but I prefer to enjoy the present life, love everyone around me,
say goodbye to the old times, cherish the present time, and look forward to the future bravely Time,
time I hate you but I love you too, we all pass by

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