search and life

Santino 2022-11-04 18:45:44

The final ending finally made me feel the feeling of hard-working cp. After all, it was to give an explanation to the vast number of fans who chased the drama. The cut episodes always leave others unfinished. Where are there so many opportunities to explain in life? If you lose it, you will lose it, and there are not so many erasers to erase our fears and faults. Those who escaped may never return to the past life. Maybe friends are still there, but in the end. One day when things go wrong, we can't survive the time and distance.

But those pictures, those dialogues and even those expressions in the film tell me time and time again, my dear, this is actually life. So I indulged in the world of light and shadow that the screenwriters, directors and actors created for me. I believe that we will eventually forgive those who hurt us in our lives, and those who have been hurt by us will also be relieved of us. We still hold a lot of time, keep trying everything we hope, our lover will understand our fault, and our friends will always be by our side with a smile. Moved by the small details in the film, Augustine and Eddie were at a loss for the wedding, Kevin said affectionately that I love you, Patrick's last tear... Everything is so beautiful, all the careful design finally Like a drop of water dripping in my heart, it can't be turned over, but there are countless ripples that can't be dissipated for a long time.

There are countless classic dialogues in the film, but the one that touched me the most was Augustine and Papa's talk about love, marriage and change. Love is when we have a best friend we want to have sex with, expecting to grow old and gray with him/her. We may be the kind of people we least want, we may not have fulfilled our 18-year-old dreams, but we have nearly a decade of experience telling ourselves what we really want. Dear, we still have a lot of life waiting for us~

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