Reality always makes people helpless, ideals only exist in fiction

Cleora 2022-09-15 03:32:37

I've been watching this American drama recently, and I finally finished watching the movie version yesterday. The ending was a little too hasty, and people felt like they put P and R together. Looking at the whole drama, I don't think they would be HE. Like a reincarnation, R will once again fall into a whirlpool of disappointment. About P, ​​K has made it very clear in the movie. P's distrust and avoidance of K ruined the possibility of two people being together. I want to say that since you love him so much, you must love all of him, and he loves you too. That's why I changed myself and wanted to try my best to save you. If I don't try to go on, how do I know that he must be as casual as you think? (Perhaps the director ran out of money, so it ended hastily?) Reality is always cruel, and good love only exists in novels. They are the most soulful couple in the whole drama. Standing together, it feels like only two Word: beautiful. I don't like P's character very much, especially as long as the relationship is frustrated, I go to R for comfort, why don't I marry him? However, the filming is real enough. In life, we are often people like the male protagonist, and we don't even know it. BTW: I love the ears of the little wolf, haha, it is said that it can attract a typhoon (⊙o⊙) Oh! The British accent is so loving, handsome and fleshy, and has a pair of cute ears. He is the driving force that can support me to watch the entire series, haha?

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