The one who truly loves is not necessarily the last one

Elinor 2022-11-08 14:36:05

I read it intermittently before, but recently I read it all in one go. Suddenly, I have a different feeling than before, and I want to record all my feelings through the film review.

In the past, he may have just coveted male sex and put all his feelings aside, but now he suddenly feels that Xiaopa is really pitiful. I don't know if the characters are set like this on purpose, or if the story is just acting like this. From the first season to the movie version, Papa is a contradictory existence. He is always fighting with his heart, but he always makes decisions that he regrets, and always makes painful decisions between Kevin and Rizzi. choose. In the first season, he chose to give up Rizzi and Kevin to be together. In the second season, he wanted to return to Rizzi, but because of Kevin's change, he chose Kevin again. He originally thought that the two would be happy together. , Because of Papa's fear and escape, the two eventually broke up. However, in the movie version, Pa eventually chose to be with Rizzi. The seemingly simple development of the plot shows the indecision, fear, suspicion, loneliness and pitiful side of Xiaopa. If I want to say true love, I think Rizzi is true love and compassion for Xiaopa, Kevin is true love and true love for Xiaopa, Xiaopai is true love and escape for Kevin, and Xiaopai is apologetic and redeeming for Rizzi.

I was very entangled in the fact that it was true love, but why couldn't we be together. When Kevin chose to change himself for Xiaopa, I was really touched, but I don't know why Xiaopa chose to leave. What is ww Pa X?mmn afraid of, what is she worried about, the true love in my heart has been destroyed by Xiao Pa beyond recognition. aWhen Papa came back to text Kevin, facing himself in the mirror, Papa actually loved Kevin. And when he was about to meet Kevin at the elevator, all the movements were slow love. In the coffee shop, Kevin finally got mad, and he poked into Xiaopa's heart with a remark, and then let go,, ah, inch v. Xiaopa, who is unwilling to try to change, unwilling to try to accept each other, always trying to escape from reality, was beaten by Kai Every word of the text is exposed, and every sentence is so heart-wrenching, yet so full of love. Kevin's sentence "cause i love you" really made me cry, and then Kevin asked for the last hug, the gesture of touching his ears and cheeks, every move was a tear, every move was an expression of love. Kevin really loves Papa, and he chose to pay silently to continue his affection for Papa. After Xiaopa and Kevin separated, Xiaopa was stunned. He regretted a little, but he couldn't do anything. It's just that he chose to escape and give up. In the words of the church and the godfather, Xiaopa had an epiphany, but he couldn't do anything except regret. Maybe at this time, Xiaopa really grew up and matured. At the wedding party, everyone was in pairs, but Papa was alone. When Rizzi appeared again, the feeling of loneliness, despair and suddenly seeing hope was the whole drama that saved Papa The point is, at this time, Papa really understood a lot of problems. Everything was the result of his self-directed and self-acted performances. Rizzi said "I don't want to take care of you anymore" and Papa replied "No, I'm mature." I don't know how the two of them felt together, and Papa was really relieved.

Papa and I are really similar, maybe they are similar to most people. We only know how to cherish when we give up and lose. We have also escaped from reality and lived in a perfect world created by ourselves, but in the end we We will face all kinds of crimes committed by ourselves, and when we repent, we can only make up for it with our hearts. So when we face a choice, don't be afraid, and be prepared to regret it.

In my heart, the movie version is not the ending in my heart. The ending in my heart has long been fixed in the scene of Papa and Kevin on the dance floor in the second season. The background music "say you love me" is for everyone

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