everybody is LOOKING

Marcelino 2022-11-03 05:11:59

The ending of the movie is not particularly surprising. In the first episode of the first season, Patrick complained that each of his relationships would not last longer than 6 months. And PK's relationship also happened to turn on the red light in the 6th month (for the timeline, please refer to the episode of Patrick and her sister's reconciliation). The whole episode is actually the director who wants to express some of his views through the change in the relationship between PK.

Referring to the director's other work "Weekend Time", the protagonists of the two dramas have one thing in common, which is their incomplete acceptance of themselves. Patrick grew up in a middle-class family with a superior environment. His mother's preference for people and things has long been internalized into his psychology, which has become a major obstacle for him to choose a boyfriend and live out himself.

Patrick once complained to Kevin that in the family of origin, he and his parents never said "I love u" (seems to be uncommon in Western families). This creates a lack of love and insecurity in Patrick's heart. In the first episode, even an appointment with a gun hopes to take the opportunity to get to know each other. And he is particularly prone to short himself (in the fifth episode of season 2, Patrick and Kevin complained about being discriminated against because of being fat in school, so that now he has to pay special attention to his figure)

So he is such a sensitive, suspicious, insecure and loving person. Passively entered into a relationship. Before Kevin broke up with him, he, he, he, he, he, he, his, his boyfriend, John, although Patrick made it clear, he didn't want to make unfinished efforts, and felt guilty about being a junior. But whenever Kevin flirts with him, Patrick always responds with a vague "what?" That is, at the beginning of the relationship between two people, Patrick is passive. But this passivity stems from his greed. Neither want to leave Richie and hope to maintain an ambiguous relationship with Kevin.

Richie breaks up with him, and Kevin confesses to him. Patrick always seemed to see himself as an outsider. He had more ideas in his mind than actions about his life with Kevin. And don't want to pay too much. In fact, at the end of the movie, when Kevin and Patrick were chatting over coffee, they pointed out Patrick's cowardly evasive personality. Once the relationship between the two went wrong, Patrick took the initiative to let go. Such an approach seems to occupy the moral high ground, but in fact it is irresponsible for their relationship. That's why each of Patrick's relationships is so short.

Speaking of the last episode of the second season, the scene where the two broke up. Kevin does have a lot of words you can say he is scumbag, that he is intentional. But Kevin also said a fact. Kevin said that Patrick seemed to be looking for a reason to leave him. This sentence actually hits the heart of Patrick (his avoidant personality). A person separates from an ex and starts building a future with you. As a result, I moved in on the first day and moved out the next day (according to the movie Kevin said that he couldn't even make friends, and it is estimated that Patrick didn't even say hello when he moved out). Don't even want to try it

As an aside, if Jay-z cheated on Beyonce, he would also be clamoring for a divorce. Estimated that there will be no "Lemonade". And Patrick finally listed to Kevin a series of reasons that might bring their relationship to an end. But what? Patrick, isn't that the Kevin you know from the beginning? As for the open relationship, Kevin is willing to be honest, which already shows that Kevin's love for Patrick is real (yes, Kevin also said "Why? Because I love u" again when he said goodbye in the movie).

All relationships are interactive, regardless of the outcome. In the end, it was either obtained or learned. Kevin is at least willing to try hard. Corresponding to Patrick in the movie asking the pastor if he will repeat the mistakes he made before (he is not sure if Kevin's promise can really be fulfilled, and whether it is right for him to leave in a hurry), we can know that Patrick is very concerned about his departure at that time. It's actually kind of regretful. They didn't even give each other a chance to try and make mistakes.

Of course Patrick ended up willing to try with Richie or even go to Texas. It shows that Patrick is still growing. But whether his personality problems have really broken through. The movie ends abruptly. The director does not seem to want to give a very clear answer. It can be regarded as an open ending (if it is to be clear that Richie and Patrick have finally come together or even married, then the director will at least add a scene 6 months later, clearly telling the audience to break this "curse") . And Kevin finally told Patrick that he loved him. It can be seen that this story is far from the final ending that the director wants. (See Qiong Yao's adaptation of "Returning the Pearl" before and after). The director left himself a hook. Such as his other film "Weekend Time". The director intentionally made a series like "Love in the Trilogy". With the accumulation of personal life experiences, the ending constructed in the director's mind is also changing.

Who Patrick will end up with in the end is still a mystery. And this is the name of the episode "LOOKING"

So now we can roughly sort out what the director wants to express: life is a magical journey, you never know what kind of person you will become and who you will be with. But this unknown is both a gift and a torment. It depends on how you look at it and what you can learn from it. This theme is more applicable to more audiences and has more general practical significance. If the film presentation is only that PK finally came together, it will become a brainless idol drama (a brainless drama such as a domineering president who falls in love with you and still stalks you).

No one has to love another person forever. Even living in a marriage does not mean that feelings have entered the safe. Change is human nature. A person's preference standard will be iteratively updated with the change of social values ​​and the superposition of personal experience in life. To love and be loved is something that everyone needs. So essentially, everyone is LOOKING

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