A few thoughts and talk to introspect

Ruby 2022-11-20 12:34:25

After a long wait, it finally arrived.
The most real co-shadow ever.
"A few thoughts"
1: A Weibo comment "The director deliberately deviates every time the plot seems to be dramatic" agrees very much. However, in this film, Wolf Joe's coffee shop talk and RP's street reunion, the director no longer has control. A touch of sensationalism is really in line with the characteristics of this group.
2: "At Least We Tried" This is the tone of the headquarters and the final theme of the show. No matter where this Looking originated and where it ended up, it's always good to try. I've seen too many people put themselves in the role of victims and feel sorry for themselves. With a little compassion for the identity of sexual minorities, what was normal in the relationship between men and women has become an insurmountable hurdle between men and men. "This paragraph is for introspection"
3: The last RP together is very reasonable. One is that "no one will really change for other people" Says' witness pointed to the romantic bubble in Lang Qiao's relationship. Second, in the end, R leaned on the shoulders of P, it seemed that the offense and defense were out of place, but in fact it was inevitable for growth.
4: Still inevitably moved by Wolf Joe's romantic bubble. Close a chapter, Move on, Have u ever actually LOVED me, all are familiar words, sigh.

"Everything we want or don't come from practice"
"Never be sad when you're single"
"Never imagine what my relationship will be like when you're single"
"Still keep the possibility of being cheesy"

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